- A Google A Day for Libraries1
- A List Apart1
- academic libraries10
- Academic Library Association of Ohio1
- Academic publishing1
- accessibility8
- acegi1
- acm1
- activebpel1
- Ada Initiative1
- advertising5
- advocacy2
- agile1
- ai art1
- ajax1
- akismet1
- ALA Annual Conference 20064
- ALA Annual Conference 20075
- ALA Annual Conference 20084
- ALA Annual Conference 20092
- ALA Annual Conference 20102
- ALA Annual Conference 20122
- ALA Annual Conference 20134
- ALA Midwinter Conference 20082
- ALA Midwinter Conference 20094
- ALA Midwinter Conference 20106
- ALA Midwinter Conference 20112
- ALA Midwinter Conference 20121
- ala20151
- alao20071
- algorithm bias1
- algorithmic creulty1
- Amazon19
- Amazon CloudFront1
- Amazon EC24
- Amazon Mechanical Turk2
- Amazon S33
- Amazon Web Services14
- American Library Association15
- Android1
- Android operating system1
- Ann Arbor District Library2
- Ansible1
- apache5
- Apache Foundation3
- Apache Hadoop1
- APIs1
- applescript2
- aquabrowser1
- artificial intelligence6
- arXiv2
- asset actions3
- Associated Press1
- Association for Library Collections and Technical Services2
- Association of American Publishers2
- Association of College and Research Libraries1
- Association of Research Libraries3
- atompub3
- audio4
- audiobook1
- augmented reality1
- Authentication1
- Authors Guid v. Hathi Trust1
- automotive1
- AWS CodeBuild1
- barcampohio3
- barcode1
- battery technology1
- bibliometrics1
- Biblios2
- big data1
- Bing1
- BitTorrent1
- Blackboard2
- Blacklight1
- blockchain2
- blog2
- Bluetooth beacons1
- book6
- Book Industry Study Group1
- Book Rights Registry1
- books1
- bot1
- bpel2
- broadband1
- building LLMs1
- business1
- business-model1
- ByWater Solutions2
- c4l141
- cable tv2
- California Digital Library4
- career1
- Carl Grant2
- cataloging coup1
- cc02
- censorship1
- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act1
- Chris Anderson1
- chromebook1
- Chronopolis1
- Clarivate1
- Clay Shirky1
- Clayton Christensen3
- Clifford Lynch1
- cloud computing4
- cloud encryption1
- cloud storage1
- coalliance_adr4
- code4lib19
- code4lib Conference 20082
- code4lib Journal2
- CollectionSpace2
- Columbus OH6
- Comcast1
- commerce5
- communication1
- community engagement1
- Community source1
- comparison1
- computing history1
- conference30
- Configuration management1
- consumer finance1
- content filtering1
- contest1
- controlled digital interlibrary loan1
- controlled digital lending5
- Cooks Source1
- cooperatives2
- copyright42
- CoralERM1
- Cornell University1
- Cory Doctorow1
- covid192
- Creative Commons3
- Crossref1
- crowdsourcing2
- cryptocurrency1
- cryptocurrency mining3
- cryptography1
- CSS2
- culture22
- cyber security1
- data center infrastructure3
- data management plans1
- data modeling1
- data transformation1
- DataNet2
- David Lewis2
- description23
- Dewey Decimal Classification2
- Diane Hillman1
- digital libraries36
- Digital library1
- Digital Library Federation4
- Digital Object Identifier1
- digital preservation2
- digital privacy1
- Digital Public Library of America13
- digital rights management11
- digital storage1
- digital video preservation1
- digitization9
- Directory of Open Access Journals2
- discovery10
- disruptive innovation19
- Disruptive Library Technology Jester3
- Distributed file systems1
- distributed teams1
- document delivery1
- domain name service3
- dpubs1
- drambora1
- DRC20
- Dropbox1
- Drupal6
- DSpace8
- Dublin Core2
- Duracloud3
- dynamic HTML1
- ebooks25
- Ebsco2
- economy2
- education2
- educational technology4
- Educause5
- ejb33
- ejournal11
- elearning2
- elections1
- electricity infrastructure3
- email7
- emerging technology3
- EMV1
- encore1
- encryption8
- EndNote4
- eprints4
- Equinox2
- ermi1
- Espresso book machine1
- Ethics1
- Europeana3
- Evergreen1
- ewaste1
- Exlibris1
- Extended Live Archive4
- eXtensible Catalog1
- ezcode1
- Facebook5
- facial recognition1
- fascinator1
- Federal Library Depository Program1
- Fedora1
- Fedora Repository39
- feedburner2
- ffmpeg3
- fiction1
- filters1
- Firefox4
- Firesheep1
- FiveThirtyEight1
- fix_admin_ssl1
- Flat World Knowledge1
- flying2
- FOLIO project1
- folksonomy2
- foss4lib5
- freebase1
- FriendFeed1
- fulfillment1
- Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records5
- Future2
- Gapminder1
- Gates Foundation1
- gdpr2
- generative artificial intelligence1
- Gentoo6
- geo-privacy1
- geolocation1
- GetFTR3
- Getting Things Done4
- git3
- gizmoproject1
- GlueJar1
- gnupg2
- Go Daddy1
- Google45
- Google Book Search30
- Google+ Hangout2
- Google Knol1
- Google Scholar5
- Google Summer of Code4
- governance5
- government documents1
- government information2
- greasemonkey2
- grouper1
- Hachette v. Internet Archive1
- hackathon2
- handles1
- Hans Rosling2
- HarperCollins-OverDrive controversy5
- hashtag1
- HathiTrust5
- hcalendar1
- hdphoto1
- helpdesk1
- higher education44
- hiring2
- history6
- hitchhikr2
- howto8
- H.R.1464 (111th Congress)1
- H.R.3261 (112th Congress)9
- H.R.3699 (112th Congress)1
- H.R.801 (111th Congress)3
- html5
- html52
- http3
- httpd1
- https2
- humor7
- hypothes.is2
- iCalendar2
- icann1
- icor1
- icor20079
- identifier5
- imagemagick2
- imaging10
- IMLSfocus1
- Index Data4
- index/abstract database1
- information-literacy5
- information processing1
- Innovative Interfaces Inc.3
- instructional consulting1
- instructional design1
- integrated library system8
- intellectual property5
- Interlibrary loan4
- International Coalition of Library Consortia5
- internet20
- Internet Archive9
- internet governance3
- internet infrastructure1
- internet of things1
- internet operating system1
- internet24
- interoperability1
- iOS3
- ipad1
- ipv43
- ipv66
- Iron Mountain1
- Islandora3
- ISO3
- iso21081
- ISO27091
- itunes1
- j2karclib6
- j2ktilerenderer2
- jasper1
- JasperReports1
- Jaspersoft Studio1
- java10
- javascript3
- jboss1
- jbpm1
- jekyll6
- Jenn Riley1
- jisc6
- jobs3
- John Wilkin2
- Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 20065
- Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 20071
- Jonathan Zittrain2
- journalism1
- jpeg200028
- jpip1
- jsr1701
- Judge Denny Chin1
- Kakadu Software4
- Karen Coyle3
- Karen Smith-Yoshimura1
- kill switch1
- Kindle7
- Kindle Fire1
- Kindle Library Lending1
- Kindle Singles2
- kml1
- knowledge repository1
- Koha4
- Kuali7
- large language model4
- law enforcement1
- learning managment1
- learning objects2
- legal29
- legislation17
- lets-encrypt1
- Level 3 Communications1
- LibLime1
- librarian profession1
- librarians1
- libraries60
- library 2.022
- Library and Information Technology Association12
- library consortia5
- Library Linked Data4
- Library of Congress7
- Library of Congress Subject Headings1
- library service-oriented architecture28
- librarycampohio3
- LibraryThing1
- licensing9
- lightning talk1
- linked data8
- Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP1
- litaforum2
- literacy1
- LLMs in libraries1
- llt20093
- long tail1
- Los Alamos National Laboratory2
- lucene1
- lunar exploration1
- LYRASIS Technology Services5
- Mac OS X Operating System3
- machine learning2
- mailman1
- maintainit1
- maps2
- MARC14
- MARC record reuse4
- mashup5
- Mastodon3
- medicine1
- meeting planning2
- Mellon Foundation3
- meme2
- memento2
- metadata24
- metapost1
- metasearch4
- mets2
- Miami University2
- microdata1
- microformats4
- microservice1
- Microsoft5
- Microsoft Academic Search1
- mobile4
- mobile devices1
- mobile phone1
- mod_pagespeed1
- Momento1
- Moodle1
- Motion JPEG20002
- Mozilla2
- MySQL1
- Nate Silver1
- National Information Standards Organization21
- National Institutes of Health1
- national libraries1
- National Public Radio3
- National Science Digital Library2
- National Science Foundation2
- natural language processing2
- ncip1
- ndiipp4
- net neutrality2
- Netflix2
- network neutrality2
- network-privacy1
- networking13
- ngc4lib11
- niso4
- NISO Discovery Forum1
- nisodiscovery20083
- NISOplus3
- #NISOprivacy5
- nmi-edit1
- Node programming language1
- non-fungible tokens4
- non-profit1
- novel1
- oai-pmh4
- oais2
- Object Reuse and Exchange9
- obsidian3
- OCLC44
- OCLC Research2
- OCLC v Anna's Archive1
- odce076
- odce083
- odcecon7
- oetc101
- ohecc20092
- ohetc20102
- Ohio Board of Tax Appeals1
- Ohio State University2
- OhioLINK23
- oki1
- OLE Project12
- OmniFocus3
- onix2
- opac13
- open access19
- Open Archives Initiative6
- Open Bibliographic Data2
- Open Content Alliance4
- open courseware1
- Open Data Commons1
- open educational resources4
- Open Library7
- Open Repositories 20082
- Open Repositories 20114
- open source47
- open source communities5
- open source software1
- opendns1
- openils2
- openldap1
- opensearch2
- openssh1
- openurl7
- openvpn1
- optical network1
- Orbis Cascade Alliance1
- O'Reilly Media3
- ornithology1
- orphan works2
- osid1
- PageRank1
- paper3
- password managers1
- patron-driven acquisitions1
- Payment card1
- pdf1
- pearsoned1
- Peer-to-Peer Networks2
- perl3
- personal information3
- personal knowledge management2
- personal knowledge mangement1
- pgp2
- photography2
- photoshop2
- php1
- piracy2
- plugins1
- pocketmod1
- podcast3
- policy3
- political polls1
- politics5
- Pomodoro Technique1
- pptp1
- predictions1
- premis1
- presentation10
- preservation31
- Primo1
- print on demand2
- privacy31
- product evaluation1
- product review1
- productivity2
- programming16
- project hydra2
- ProPublica1
- protocol2
- provisioning1
- proxy3
- public domain4
- public library9
- publishers8
- publishing41
- pubmed2
- Python programming language3
- qr-code2
- ra212
- rating service1
- RDF7
- RDFa1
- recaptcha1
- recommendation engine2
- recycling1
- reference librarian1
- referer1
- reliability1
- renewable energy1
- reputation1
- research3
- Research Works Act2
- Resource Description and Access7
- ResourceSync3
- rest3
- restlet2
- review2
- RFC26161
- rfp1
- robotics1
- rootstrikers2
- rss3
- Sakai11
- schema.org2
- scholarly communication1
- scholarly publishing1
- scientific computing1
- Scott Wallick1
- screencast2
- Scriblio1
- scrum3
- seam4
- SeamlessAccess3
- search2
- search engine7
- section5084
- security19
- self-publishing2
- semantic web13
- Senate Bill 1373 (111th Congress)1
- Senate Bill 191 (112th Congress)1
- Senate Bill 968 (112th Congress)5
- Serverless computing1
- service-oriented architecture9
- session hijacking1
- Shibboleth7
- signet1
- simile1
- Single Sign-on2
- Sitemap protocol1
- SkyRiver1
- SkyRiver/Innovative versus OCLC lawsuit3
- social-media10
- software development6
- solr2
- sopac1
- spam7
- speaking1
- spring framework3
- sql injection1
- ssl4
- standards37
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy1
- Stanford University1
- startup companies1
- Statewide Resource Sharing system2
- static website3
- statistics2
- Stop Online Piracy Act11
- storage5
- streaming media2
- student privacy1
- Subversion1
- surveillance capitalism1
- survey1
- sustainability2
- syndication1
- system administration11
- tagging4
- Talis1
- technical debt1
- technology5
- technorati1
- TED talk3
- telecommunications2
- textbook18
- thesauri1
- Thursday Threads newsletter1
- time standards2
- tls1
- tomcat1
- tor1
- trac3
- travel5
- trends5
- troubleshooting1
- Twitter18
- twitter-to-omnifocus1
- Two-factor authentication1
- ubiquity1
- Ukraine war1
- ultimatetagwarrior2
- unconference8
- unglueit1
- unified index1
- universal design1
- University of Florida1
- University of Pittsburgh2
- university presses2
- University System of Ohio6
- USA Patriot Act2
- usability3
- usairways1
- usb1
- Vancouver1
- video13
- Vint Cerf1
- visualization7
- VoIP2
- vpn2
- vufind2
- w3c3
- wdm1
- web architecture7
- web archiving1
- web design4
- web development3
- web scraping1
- web services2
- web standards5
- webmention2
- WebP1
- wifi1
- Wikipedia4
- Windows XP1
- wms1
- WoGroFuBiCo1
- Wolfram Alpha1
- WordPress18
- World Wide Web1
- WorldCat25
- WorldCat Local1
- WorldCat Navigator1
- WorldCat record use policy2
- WorldShare2
- writing1
- xacml1
- Xerox1
- xml1
- XMLHttpRequest1
- xtf3
- Yahoo pipes2
- YouTube1
- z39.502
- zoom2
- Zotero6