Friday Followups: RDA Revolt and Cable TV vs. Internet Streaming
It has been another busy week, and unfortunately Thursday has slipped into Friday. There have been a few updates to earlier Thursday Threads items, so I'm turning this into "Friday Followups" instead. We'll attempt to get back new items next Thursday, but in the meantime take a look at these …
Posted onand last updated December 10, 2010· 2 minutes reading time -
MARC isn't Dead, but it is a Dead End
This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle with the title New Models of Metadata where she talked about library-specific efforts such asRDA and FRBR as well …
Posted onand last updated October 29, 2010· 2 minutes reading time -
Who Said You Couldn't Catalog the Internet?
I seem to remember, in the early heady days of the internet, there was a cry from the library profession to "Catalog the Internet" -- to create descriptive records and controlled vocabularies for every resource out there deemed useful. The early Yahoo!, with a librarian on the staff, was going to …
Posted onand last updated June 06, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
The Problem with MARC and AACR: the World Doesn't Disco Anymore
My undergraduate background is in computer science, and from that perspective I have a great deal of admiration for MARC and AACR as well as their creators and proponents: Henriette Avram and Michael Gorman. At their creation, MARC and AACR propelled library services to new heights of efficiency and usefulness …
Posted onand last updated May 16, 2006· 5 minutes reading time