This is an article draft that was accidentally published.
I hope to work on a final version soon.
If you really want to see it, I saved a copy on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
I saw it happen.
The cable-chewing device
The contractor in the neighbor's back yard with the Ditch Witch trencher burying a cable.
I was working outside at the patio table and just about to go into a Zoom meeting.
Then the internet dropped out.
Suddenly, and with a wrenching feeling …
Bringing remote presenters into a face-to-face conference is challenging and fraught with peril.
In this post, I describe a scheme using Zoom that had in-person attendees forgetting that the presenter was remote!
Over the weekend I got the bright idea of asking OmniGroup to ask an iPhone voice recognition application (like Dragon Dictation) to add a link to the OmniFocus iPhone application. That way I could simply dictate new inbox items on the iPhone rather than laboriously typing them with the on-screen …
You are using lockdown security cables to protect your PCs, but your accessories -- keyboards, mice, and other cables -- are still vulnerable to theft. You can use one of these specially built products to lock down the cables, or you can use a 20¢ flat washer from the hardware store to …
Note! A new feature on the Zotero website does away with the need to use this Yahoo! Pipe. RSS feeds are now generated by the Zotero website itself. Read more about it on the Zotero blog.
Dealing with SPAM e-mail is a real hassle. Dealing with SPAM e-mail as a mailing list owner is an even bigger hassle. Here are some tips for dealing with SPAM e-mail on mailing lists using the Mailman software package.
In this How-To guide, I show a combination of software and configuration to clean up URLs by removing the port numbers of the Java servlet engine (Tomcat) and the context path of the application. The goal is to create "cool URLs" that are are short (removing the unnecessary context path …