Protect Your Keyboards, Mice and Cables from Theft with a Flat Washer
You are using lockdown security cables to protect your PCs, but your accessories -- keyboards, mice, and other cables -- are still vulnerable to theft. You can use one of these specially built products to lock down the cables, or you can use a 20¢ flat washer from the hardware store to protect these components from minor mischief.
The Setup
- Create a loop with the keyboard or mouse or USB cable.
- Pass the loop through the flat washer.
- Pass the security cable through the loop.
Note that this technique doesn't deter a determined despoiler because it can be defeated by dissecting the cable, but for will work in simplest case. If someone really wants the keyboard or the mouse and is willing to cut the cord in half to remove the flat washer, they will get the component. They will also have to patch the cable back together to make it useful, so odds are it isn't worth it.