Free Stanford AI Class is a "Beta" for a Commercial Launch?
When Stanford University's School of Engineering announced its free Artificial Intelligence class last month, the news took the geek world by storm and even worthy of note in the New York Times. The initial news articles made it sound like another example of open educational resources -- a movement popularized by …
Posted onand last updated September 05, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Google Scholar Coverage, Effective Meetings, Librarians as Obstacles, Cable TV
No, I am not composing this edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads on the Thanksgiving holiday. This was written the day before and scheduled for posting on Thursday. With a significant run of weekly Thursday Threads postings, it seemed a shame to break the trend because of a holiday. So if …
Posted onand last updated November 25, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Textbook Affordability at the Student Success Assessment Summit
I had the pleasure of presenting on a panel at the Ohio Student Success Assessment Summit this morning on the topic of textbooks and open educational resources. Specifically, I was talking about the plans and desires of the University System of Ohio to help faculty help students with the escalating …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
Discussions of Textbooks Hit the Mainstream Media
There has been an increasing focus on the cost of textbooks in the mainstream media this year, and I don't think it is the case that I'm just becoming more sensitized to it. Take for example the editorial from the Washington Post on February 7th. The second paragraph succinctly describes …
Posted onand last updated April 30, 2008· 3 minutes reading time