Digital Repository Software: How Far Have We Come? How Far Do We Have to Go?
Bryan Brown's tweet led me to Ruth Kitchin Tillman's Repository Ouroboros post about the treadmill of software development/deployment. And wow do I have thoughts and feelings.
Ouroboros: an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Or—in this context—constantly chasing what you can never … Posted onand last updated June 23, 2021· 6 minutes reading time -
Blocking /xmlrpc.php Scans in the Apache .htaccess File
Someone out there on the internet is repeatedly hitting this blog's /xmlrpc.php service, probably looking to enumerate the user accounts on the blog as a precursor to a password scan (as described in Huge increase in WordPress xmlrpc.php POST requests at Sysadmins of the North). My access logs …
Posted onand last updated September 04, 2014· 2 minutes reading time -
On questions regarding ISO/DIS 18626, Information and documentation — Interlibrary Loan Transactions
There is a ballot under consideration within the ISO TC 46/SC 4 on InterLibraryLoan Transactions. The ballot description is:
This International Standard specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and following exchange of messages. This standard is intended to at …
Posted onand last updated November 09, 2013· 5 minutes reading time