In OCLC v Anna's Archive, New/Novel Issues Sent to State Court
The case of OCLC against Anna's Archive, accused of “data scraping” from OCLC's WorldCat, takes a turn as the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio decides to certify several “novel and unsettled” legal questions to the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
Issue 96: Metadata
Metadata is at the core of what libraries do. ("metadata" is one of the most common tags on this here library technology blog.) We gather information about the resources available to patrons, then massage it and slice it and sort it and display it in ways that help patrons find …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2023· 5 minutes reading time -
ResourceSync Specification Draft Published for Comment
ResourceSync -- a joint effort of NISO and the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) team with work funded by the Sloan Foundation -- has published a draft specification that I urge members of the library technology community to look at. Building on the OAI-PMH strategies for synchronizing metadata, this project is modern web …
Posted onand last updated February 04, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Personal Book Digitizer, Status of Book Piracy, Core Elements of Description
It wasn't too long ago that the music industry was in an uproar about stories of how easy it was to copy digital audio files and make digital copies with high fidelity. It was predicted that we would see the same thing in other media forms, and this week's DLTJ …
Posted onand last updated January 20, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Defining Metadata and Making Metadata Accessible
In preparation for the last webinar of the three-part series "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future", I'm reading again Karen Coyle's "Library Data in a Modern Context" -- the first chapter of Understanding the Semantic Web: Bibliographic Data and Metadata. Right at the start she has a clear and …
Posted onand last updated November 17, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
MARC isn't Dead, but it is a Dead End
This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle with the title New Models of Metadata where she talked about library-specific efforts such asRDA and FRBR as well …
Posted onand last updated October 29, 2010· 2 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: RDF, Digital Document Tampering, and Amazon's Mechanical Turk
This is definitely becoming a habit...welcome to the fourth edition of DLTJ's Thursday Threads. Feel free to send this newsletter to others you think might be interested in the topics. If you are not already subscribed to DLTJ's Thursday Threads, visit the sign-up page. If you would like …
Posted onand last updated October 21, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Amazon Catalog Updates
Did you know that Amazon offers a facility to make corrections to its catalog? Somewhere in the past few months someone mentioned this to me and I tried it out. (
Unfortunately, it has been long enough now that I've forgotten who told me; if you are the one, please fess …Posted onand last updated May 13, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
XML Tower of Structural Metadata
Jerome McDonough of the Graduate School of Library & Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign presented a paper this summer at the Balisage conference with the title Structural Metadata and the Social Limitation of Interoperability: A Sociotechnical View of XML and Digital Library Standards Development. ((McDonough, J. (2008 …
Posted onand last updated October 02, 2008· 3 minutes reading time -
Collocating Serial Formats Via "Linking ISSN"
Earlier this week I received an e-mail from the director of the ISSN International Center announcing a session at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim to talk about the "linking ISSN". Abbreviated ISSN-L, this is a new addition to the revised ISSN standard (ISO 3297, published last August) that allows …
Posted onand last updated June 06, 2008· 7 minutes reading time -
Passing on ResearcherID
This morning I got an invitation to join ResearcherID, a new author profile service from Thomson Scientific. The service sounds nice enough -- who doesn't want to take steps to avoid confusion between authors? -- and if you have access to other Thomson products (like ISI Web of Knowledge or Web of …
Posted onand last updated May 02, 2008· 17 minutes reading time -
Thumbgrabber: a metadata augmentation tool
In reading a background paper for the American Social History Online portal, I was reacquainted with a paper by Muriel Foulonneau, Thomas Habing and Tim Cole from UIUC called "Automated Capture of Thumbnails and Thumbshots for Use by Metadata Aggregation Services." ((Foulonneau, M., Habing, T.G., Cole, T.W. (2006 …
Posted onand last updated April 29, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
NELLCO's Universal Search Solution Project
Boundaries are being blurred between the academic and commercial Web, between library resources, between the citation and the item itself. Students have no patience with these arbitrary boundaries; they want information, and they want it now, wherever it may be located. ((Cox, Christopher. An Analysis of the Impact of Federated …
Posted onand last updated November 29, 2007· 4 minutes reading time -
OAI-ORE Open Meeting, March 3 2008, Johns Hopkins University
Here is the press release describing the event:
Open Archives Initiative Announces Public Meeting on March 3, 2008 to Release Object Reuse and Exchange Specifications
Ithaca, NY and Los Alamos, NM, October 31, 2007 - On March 3, 2008 the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) will hold a public …
Posted onand last updated November 10, 2007· 3 minutes reading time -
Solr-ized MARC Record Catalog
Rob Casson of Miami University announced this weekend the beta availability of their video catalog. In a subsequent posting, Rob describes the user interface elements. Rob and the crew at Miami are seeking feedback on the interface, so if you have some be sure to offer it to them.
A …
Posted onand last updated June 05, 2007· 2 minutes reading time -
A Report on Namespaces Used by OAI-PMH Repositories
I had a need for a survey of the metadata namespaces used by OAI-PMH repositories, so I wrote up a quick shell script and XSLT style sheet to parse through the list of Registered Data Providers at the OpenArchives.org website. The results of this effort are pretty interesting. Some …
Posted onand last updated March 20, 2007· 2 minutes reading time -
Presentation Summary: "Cross-Repository Semantic Interoperability: the MIT SIMILE Project"
Richard Rodgers presented this talk based on the work of he and MacKenzie Smith in the Digital Library Research Group at MIT. The original abstract of the presentation was:
Many questions are raised as previously unreachable digital content is found in and among new repositories--is each repository an island or …
Posted onand last updated January 29, 2007· 2 minutes reading time -
Best Practice Proposal for a DESCRIPTION Datastream
OhioLINK is deep in the process of migrating content from our old Bulldog/Documentum-based system to, well, something else, and we've been talking about the treatment of the metadata in the course of the migration. I think it is safe to say that the Bulldog asset management system (and Documentum …
Posted onand last updated September 06, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Can Google be Out-Googled?
I have been heard to remark to other librarians on occasion a comment along the lines of "Don't fear Google; Don't Chase Google; Let's Out-Google Google!" After allowing the confused stare linger for a moment or the hysterical laughter die down, I explain my thesis: we have something Google doesn't …
Posted onand last updated July 30, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Representing Collections In FEDORA
One of the DRC developers had a question recently that sparked a discussion about what to do with collections of objects. In order to answer the question of how to represent the notion of a collection within the repository, we're going to have to get pretty heavy into RDF: the …
Posted onand last updated July 25, 2006· 5 minutes reading time