More Thoughts on Pre-recording Conference Talks
Over the weekend, I posted an article here about pre-recording conference talks and sent a tweet about the idea on Monday. I hoped to generate discussion about recording talks to fill in gaps—positive and negative—about the concept, and I was not disappointed. I'm particularly thankful to Lisa Janicke …
Posted onand last updated April 08, 2021· 8 minutes reading time -
Should All Conference Talks be Pre-recorded?
The Code4Lib conference was last week. That meeting used all pre-recorded talks, and we saw the benefits of pre-recording for attendees, presenters, and conference organizers. Should all talks be pre-recorded, even when we are back face-to-face?
Note! After I posted a link to this article on Twitter, there was a …
Posted onand last updated April 08, 2021· 6 minutes reading time -
Managing Remote Conference Presenters with Zoom
Bringing remote presenters into a face-to-face conference is challenging and fraught with peril. In this post, I describe a scheme using Zoom that had in-person attendees forgetting that the presenter was remote!
The Code4Lib conference was this week, and with the COVID-19 pandemic breaking through many individuals and institutions made …
Posted onand last updated April 03, 2021· 8 minutes reading time -
Collector of Code4Lib Conference Tweets Now Turned On
As I did last year, I've set up Martin Hawksey's Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) to cover this year's Code4Lib conference twitter hashtag. This is a really neat tool that comes with its own dashboard, links to various visualizations, and access to the complete archive so you can make up …
Posted onand last updated March 18, 2014 -
Host Your Own Virtual Lightning Talks Using Google Hangout -- Slides and Links from ALA2013 Presentation
In the "very meta" category, this morning I gave a lightning talk about lightning talks to a crowd of about 150 at the LITA Lightning Talks session. More specifically, it was a brief presentation on how Code4Lib uses Google Hangouts-on-Air for its Virtual Lightning Talks. The slides and links from …
Posted onand last updated March 03, 2020 -
Code4Lib Journal Issue #20 Published; My Editorial: "It is Volunteers All the Way Down..."
Issue #20 of the Code4Lib Journal was just published, and I had the honor of being the coordinating editor for the issue. Being on the editorial committee of the Journal has been a heck of an experience, and I think I've had just a taste of what journal editors and …
Posted onand last updated April 17, 2013· 2 minutes reading time -
Notes on the Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks
Last week I emcee'd the second Code4Lib Virtual Lightning talk session and I wanted to record some notes and pointers here in case me (or anyone else) wants to do the same thing again. First, though, here is a list of those that presented with links to the talks archived …
Posted onand last updated March 03, 2020· 2 minutes reading time -
Trip Report of DPLA Audience & Participation Workstream
On December 6, 2012, the Audience and Participation workstream met at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. About two dozen colleagues participated in person and remotely via Google+ Hangout to talk about processes and strategies for getting content into the DPLA (the content …
Posted onand last updated December 07, 2012· 9 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Developer Genders, Facebook Release Engineering, Alcohol Among Technologists
You'll get the sense that this week's Thursday Threads is stacked towards cultural awareness. First is the view of a developer of the female gender in a room of peers at a meeting of the Digital Public Library of America. The second thread is a pointer to a story about …
Posted onand last updated April 12, 2012· 13 minutes reading time -
Recordings from Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks Available
Thanks to everyone for participating in the first Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks on Friday. In particular, my gratitude goes out to Ed Corrado, Luciano Ramalho, Michael Appleby, and Jay Luker being the first presenters to try this scheme for connecting library technologists. My apologies also to those who couldn't connect …
Posted onand last updated May 02, 2011· 2 minutes reading time -
Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks -- First round, April 4th 2011
One of the highlights of the Code4Lib annual meeting is the “lightning talk” rounds. A lightning talk is a fast-paced 5 minute talk on a topic of the presenter’s choosing. They are usually scheduled on an ad-hoc, first-come-first-served basis on the day of the event. They are an opportunity …
Posted onand last updated March 28, 2011· 1 minutes reading time -
A Successful BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio
I'm pleased to be able to report a successful running of a BarCamp here earlier this week. Billed as BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio -- a mixture of .com and library technologists -- we had a good turnout and a lively discussion on a variety of topics. Thanks and gratitude go out to OCLC for …
Posted onand last updated August 15, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
Registration Open for BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio (August 11, 2008)
Registration is open for the BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio meeting on Monday, August 11th from 10am to 5:30pm at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, OH. Other details are on the event homepage.What is a BarCamp? ((Description adapted from the BarCamp Wikipedia entry.))
First and foremost: This …
Posted onand last updated August 01, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
BarCampOhio and LibraryCampOhio, August 11, 2008
Announcing the BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio meeting on Monday, August 11th from 10am to 5:30pm at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, OH. Two camp communities! One day! All of the details, include stuff not covered below, are on the event homepage.
What's planned is a dual-track unconference …Posted onand last updated July 17, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
JPEG2000 to Zoomify Code4Lib Lightning Talk Video Now Available
Thanks, Noel, and everyone else who made the video editions of Code4Lib 2008 presentations possible. I just had a chance to notice that the video from my JPEG2000 to Zoomify Shim lightning talk was online:
Some updates since the post and the presentation were first done. The code that exists …
Posted onand last updated May 15, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
JPEG2000 to Zoomify Shim -- Creating JPEG tiles from JPEG2000 images
This is a textual representation of a lightning talk done on Feb 26th at Code4Lib 2008.
When the video of the talk is up (thanks, Noel!) I'll link it here, too.The video is now available, and that article includes an update on progress since the this article was posted …Posted onand last updated February 28, 2008· 3 minutes reading time -
Voting open for Code4Lib 2009; Central Ohio is a candidate
The Columbus Metropolitan Library, OCLC, and Ohio State University and OhioLINK have put in a bid as host site for the 2009 Code4Lib meeting. Code4Lib is an informal organization of self-selected librarians and technology professionals. It exists as a volunteer organization run by consensus of interested individuals. The meeting in …
Posted onand last updated February 21, 2008· 2 minutes reading time -
Google Custom Search's Planet Code4Lib as an OpenSearch Plugin
Earlier I mentioned creating a Google Custom Search for Planet Code4Lib. The Google-supplied markup puts a form on your web page that leads to Google's server farm. (Alternatively, you can create a custom URL that points to an HTML page at Google which contains the form.) Well, that's really neat …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Google Custom Search for Planet Code4Lib
I wanted to mess around with Google's new Custom Search Engine feature and in casting about for a list of URLs to feed it I thought I'd try the list of blogs at Planet Code4Lib. As it turns out, this might be a modestly useful search if you remember reading …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2006· 3 minutes reading time