Video Tour of OPAC Discovery Layer Tools
In March, I gave a presentation at the NISO forum on Next Generation Discovery Tools: New Tools, Aging Standards. For those that were there, you may remember the bulk of the presentation was in the screencast tours of the functionality of 10 OPAC enhancement tools. Topping out at over 750MB …
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Links to OPAC Enhancements, Wrappers, and Replacements
Below are the supplemental links for the presentation at the NISO workshop on discovery layers in Chapel Hill, NC, on March 28, 2008.
Update 20080404T1124 : Carolyn McCallum at Wake Forest University posted a great summary of day two of the NISO discovery layer forum, including an overview of my talk …
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
NISO Workshop Exploring the Discovery Layer; March 27-28, 2008; Chapel Hill, NC
NISO is conducting a workshop later this month called Next Generation Discovery: New Tools, Aging Standards. The workshop is described this way: "Discovering scholarly information and data is essential for research and use of the content that the information community is producing and making available. The development of knowledge bases …
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