Proxying FeedBurner MyBrand for HTTPS with CloudFront and Lambda at Edge
So I'm paying more attention to the DLTJ blog now, and one of the things I quickly noticed is that the Atom syndication feed was broken. Or, at least modern web clients would refuse to retrieve the feed. The problem turned out to be not with the feed file, but …
Posted onand last updated January 09, 2019· 9 minutes reading time -
Possible Resolution to Technorati Update Problem
Up until about an hour ago, Technorati refused to update its database of postings to DLTJ, and having reached the 31-day point of no updates I was starting to wonder what to do about it. I came up with two theories for which I put in fixes to the configuration …
Posted onand last updated September 12, 2006· 3 minutes reading time