Setting Aside Time for Writing
It is time for New Year's Resolutions, and the new habit I aim to pick up is setting aside some serious, concentrated chunks of time for writing each day. In taking a high-level review of goals and tasks at the end of the year, I found that I was tending …
Posted onand last updated January 10, 2012· 4 minutes reading time -
The PERL Way to Add OmniFocus Inbox Entries from Twitter
Over the weekend I got the bright idea of asking OmniGroup to ask an iPhone voice recognition application (like Dragon Dictation) to add a link to the OmniFocus iPhone application. That way I could simply dictate new inbox items on the iPhone rather than laboriously typing them with the on-screen …
Posted onand last updated October 20, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Getting a Hyperlink of the Last Sent Message from Mail.app using Applescript
I've been a fan of Getting Things Done as a technique for managing projects, but it was only recently that I settled on OmniFocus as the "trusted system" collecting all of my next actions. One of the things I like about OmniFocus -- as a rich, Mac-only application -- is its ability …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 6 minutes reading time -
PocketModMac: MacOSX PocketMod Generator Via Print Dialog
This one goes out to all of the MacOS X users out there. (For the rest of you, why aren't you switching?) Perhaps you have seen PocketMod -- the origami-like manipulation of an 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper into an 8-page booklet.
Example PocketMod, courtesy of the Boston …
Posted onand last updated August 09, 2007· 4 minutes reading time