Thursday Threads: Patron Privacy on Library Sites, Communicating with Developers, Kuali Continued
In the DLTJ Thursday Threads this week: an analysis of how external services included on library web pages can impact patron privacy, pointers to a series of helpful posts from OCLC on communication between software users and software developers, and lastly an update on the continuing discussion of the Kuali …
Posted onand last updated September 18, 2014· 5 minutes reading time -
2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences -- Accepted Papers and Travel Support
The conference organizers for WSSSPE2 have posted the list of accepted papers and the application for travel support. I was on the program committee for this year's conference, and I can point to some papers that I think are particularly useful to libraries and the cultural heritage community in general …
Posted onand last updated September 04, 2014 -
Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2)
This is related to the Supporting Cultural Heritage Open Source Software (SCHOSS) Symposium last month. More on that topic in June. I am serving on the program committee for the WSSSPE2 conference.
Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels and it …
Posted onand last updated June 01, 2014· 3 minutes reading time -
The Security Implications of Teaching Librarians to Program
Should librarians be learning to how to develop software? This theme has come up in the past few years ((Going back to Karin Dalziel’s 2008 Why every Library Science student should learn programming, continuing through Dianne Hillmann’s keynote at Code4Lib 2011 to this year’s LITA/ALCTS Library …
Posted onand last updated October 28, 2012· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: OCLC Moves to Dismiss SkyOCLC, UCLA Sued For Streaming, Paving Cow Paths, Origins of #
This week's Thursday Threads highlights includes two legal cases that bear watching. The first is the case of SkyRiver/Innovative Interfaces versus OCLC (covered on DLTJ previously); now that the case has been moved to OCLC's home court (the federal district court located in Columbus, OH), it is asking for …
Posted onand last updated December 16, 2010· 8 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Technical Debt, QR Codes in National Parks, WebP Image Format, and SSL Cautions
Week #2 of this new project to highlight interesting tidbits from the previous seven days. Well, things that were interesting to me that I hope will be interesting to DLTJ readers. Time will tell.
Technical Debt: A Perspective for Managers
What is Technical Debt? It’s all “those internal things …
Posted onand last updated October 07, 2010· 5 minutes reading time