Disseminators As the Core of an Object Repository
I've been working to get JBoss Seam tied into Fedora, and along the way thought it would be wise to stop and document a core concept of this integration: the centrality of Fedora Disseminators in the the design of the Ohio Digital Resource Commons. Although there is nothing specific to …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 12 minutes reading time -
Fedora Disseminators to Enable Accessible Repository Content
Calling all accessibility technology experts! What follows is a line of thinking about using characteristics of the FEDORA digital object repository to enable access to content through non-graphical interfaces. Thanks to Linda Newman from the University of Cincinnati and others on the Friday morning DRC Developers conference call for triggering …
Posted onand last updated May 06, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Thinking about Our Fedora Disseminators
Another reason to consider the FEDORA digital object repository system, if having the ability to put all of your content in one place and reducing the complexity of digital preservation aren't enough, is the capability to create and define behaviors that the content can perform. In the FEDORA world, these …
Posted onand last updated May 02, 2006· 6 minutes reading time