OLE Project Design Phase Final Report
There is an announcement on the OLE Project site that links to the final report as submitted to the Mellon Foundation. This version of the report has minor corrections in the text and now includes information about the group of libraries that have committed to the build phase of the …
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A Thread of Comments on the OLE Project Draft Report
Carl Grant, president of Ex Libris North America, posted a pair of messages on his corporate blog that it is worth calling attention to regarding the OLE Project final report, if you haven't already run into them: OLE; The unanswered questions and Library Software Solutions - We need a higher level …
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Open Library Environment Final Report Draft Released
Over the weekend, the folks at Duke University coordinating the development of the OLE Project Design Final Report released a draft for public comment. Weighing in at 100 pages (don't let that put you off -- there are lots of pictures), it represents the best thinking of a couple dozen individuals …
Posted onand last updated January 02, 2018 -
Two ways to learn about the OLE Project at ALA
Add this event to your desktop calendar program.There will be two programs at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago where aspects of the Open Library Environment Project will be discussed. The participants in the design phase of the project encourage you to attend one or both of them to …
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At the Intersection of the OCLC Records Use Policy and the WorldCat Local Cloud-based Library Management Service
Last Friday, Andrew Pace (Executive Director of Networked Library Services for OCLC) was interviewed by Richard Wallis of Talis on OCLC's recent announcement of a cloud-based library management service. As part of that conversation, Richard and Andrew touched on the ongoing debate on the OCLC record use policy. Below is …
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Open Library Environment Project Picks Up the Pace
Participants in the design phase of the OLE Project met in Lawrence, Kansas, earlier this month for a week-long work session. Coming out of the session are several documents that form the foundational elements of the report to be published and delivered to Mellon in July. Interested parties are invited …
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OLE Project Webcast, Workshops Scheduled
Coming out of the face-to-face meeting in Rutgers earlier this month, the OLE Project has posted a number of announcements for upcoming events. The first is a webcast on Nov. 20, 2008 from 3:00pm to 4:30pm Eastern Standard Time, US, free of charge and open to anyone. The …
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OCLC WorldCat Hackathon -- New York City -- November 7-8
This is interesting news -- Don Hamparian, Manager WorldCat Grid Portfolio at OCLC, formally announced the WorldCat Hackathon to the WorldCat Developer Network Discussion List tonight.
Join fellow coders, hackers and tech-enthusiasts for a two-day WorldCat Hackathon at the New York Public Library. Sponsored by the OCLC Developer’s Network and …
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A Note to ILS Vendors: Can't We All Just Get Along?
In the course of putting together the JISC/SCONUL Library Management Systems Study, the authors interviewed the four major vendors of integrated library systems in higher education in the U.K.: Ex Libris, Innovative Interfaces, SirsiDynix and Talis. Among the "who are you" and "what do you do" questions were …
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
Adding Educause Connect's "Service Oriented Architecture" Term to Planet LibrarySOA
Richard Akerman's recent post highlighting SOA resources at Educause reminded me about the aggregation point on Educause Connect for SOA resources. I'm assuming significant number of those interested in applying SOA to library systems are at an institution of higher education or in some related organization, so I'm adding the …
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Eric Schnell's Introduction to Library SOA
Back in June, Eric Schnell posted a five part introduction to applying Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts to library applications. Along with his comparison of the predominant ILS architecture with Henry Ford's application of assembly line manufacturing this is a great non-techie introduction to SOA form a library application perspective. I …
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Introducing "Planet Library SOA"
I am pleased to announce the formation of Planet Library SOA -- an aggregation of blog postings and resources related to the application of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) software paradigm to library systems. You can follow the topic by reading the aggregation website, but the best way to follow along is …
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Combining Service Oriented Architecture with a Single Business Approach
This month I've come across one great article and one great report on Service Oriented Architectures. The first came from Sally Rogers at Ohio State University in the form of an article from CIO magazine last year:
Koch, Christopher. 2006. The Truth About SOA. CIO Magazine, June 15. http://www …Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
Looking Forward to Version 2.2 of FEDORA
Sandy Payette, Co-Director of the Fedora Project and Researcher in the Cornell Information Science department, announced a tentative date for the release 2.2 of the FEDORA digital object repository.
The Fedora development team would like to announce that Fedora 2.2 will be released on Friday, January 19, 2007 …
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"Applying the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Model to Libraries" — A Presentation
There was a great crowd at the University of Windsor "Future of the ILS" symposium. The presentation is available from http://dltj.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/200611-uwindsor-soa/. An outline of the presentation is given below with links into the presentation slides. Amanda Etches-Johnson has also posted a great summary …
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"Applying the SOA Model to Libraries" talk coming up at the U-Windsor "Future of the Integrated Library System" symposium
It is my honor and pleasure to be asked to speak at a one-day symposium called "The Future of the Integrated Library System" hosted by the University of Windsor on November 15, 2006. More information can be found at the symposium wiki. I have a one-hour talk with the title …
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DLF's Upcoming Workshop on Developing a Services Framework for Digital Libraries
I know I said I would only be taking "a day's break" from posting about applying the Service Oriented Architecture pattern to library services but, well, real work gets in the way. Thoughts are still bubbling around — some of them have even reached draft form — but nothing new yet. In …
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Taking a Day's Break from SOA
No Service Oriented Architecture posting today, but here is a glimpse of the topic of the next one -- the title is: "Web Services: A means to a Service Oriented Architecture end." In the meantime I wanted to thank everyone for their public and private comments, and to ask to keep …
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The Dis-integration of the ILS into a SOA Environment
This is part three of a continuing series on the application of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) design pattern to library systems. In the first part, the SOA concept was compared to a transportation network and the basic foundation for defining SOA was set down. The second part described what …
Posted on· 9 minutes reading time -
Services in a Service Oriented Architecture
This post is the second in a series about the application of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) system design pattern to library services. The first post in this series focused on defining "Service Oriented Architecture" using the analogy of a transportation network. This post goes into some detail about what …
Posted on· 10 minutes reading time