From “Moby-Dick” To “Mash-Ups:” Thinking About Bibliographic Networks at ALA Annual 2010
Ron Murray and Barbara Tillett, both from the Library of Congress, are presenting their research in thinking about bibliographic information as networks of interrelated nodes at ALA Annual. This is a continuation of their "paper tool" work which was presented at the Library of Congress last year.
The title of …
Posted onand last updated June 25, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Mash-Up Request for Submissions
I'm working with some colleagues at the Library of Congress on the on the description of complex analog and digital resources. In that research, we want to get a better sense of what people who read DLTJ call a “mash-up.” We invite readers to provide examples (in any medium) of …
Posted onand last updated April 16, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
"Mash-Up" Term is Over 150 Years Old!
Ron Murray, a colleague at the Library of Congress (and no known relation to me), sent me a note about the history of the term "mash-up" in the Oxford English Dictionary (subscription required). The definition of the first sense is "A mixture or fusion of disparate elements" with the notation …
Posted onand last updated March 04, 2010 -
A Catalog for the "Next Generation" or the Current Generation?
Are we building the "next generation" catalog for us (librarians) or our users? As a read a report from the Next Generation Summit Search Interface Working Group of the Orbis/Cascade Alliance, I have to wonder. Portions of this report are dated ((Although the report itself does not contain a …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
A "Vision for Development" -- Excerpt from the JISC/SCONUL Study
As our profession re-examines itself and the services we provide to users, we seem to spend a great deal of time concerned about the way our "web front door" looks and operates. That is, we expect web users to come through the front page of our website and so we …
Posted onand last updated June 13, 2008· 2 minutes reading time