One thing that would dramatically clarify the controlled digital lending concept in general and the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit in particular is having distinct terms for types of ebooks. I propose that we refer to them as digital and digitized. A digital book is one that is born digital …
On March 16, 2023, I gave a presentation with this title to the code4lib conference in Princeton, New Jersey.
The suggested links from the end of the presentation are listed below followed by a rough transcript of the talk.
As I noted in the talk, the judge in the Hachette …
E-books are a prominent theme looking back at a couple of year-end issues of DLTJ Thursday Threads.
In 2010, a writer in Boston Review wondered about "books after Amazon."
In 2011, an author for O'Reilly Media's Radar blog wrote that "readers sure to like ebooks" and "DRM is full of …
Greetings from the wintery mix that is central Ohio.
The local school district called off school yesterday afternoon in preparation for what came today.
Also yesterday: Ohio's own "Buckeye Chuck" predicted an early spring.
Let's be grateful for snow days (and teenagers who shovel snow) and for predictions of early …