Thursday Threads: Open Publishing Alternatives, Open Bibliographic Data, Earn an MBA in Facebook, Unconference Planning
The highlights of the past week are around publishing -- first with a model proposed by Eric Hellman in which consumers can pool enough money to pay publishers to "set a book free" under a Creative Commons license, then with an announcement by the University of Pittsburgh offering free hosting of …
Posted onand last updated December 03, 2010· 7 minutes reading time -
MARC isn't Dead, but it is a Dead End
This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle with the title New Models of Metadata where she talked about library-specific efforts such asRDA and FRBR as well …
Posted onand last updated October 29, 2010· 2 minutes reading time -
From “Moby-Dick” To “Mash-Ups:” Thinking About Bibliographic Networks at ALA Annual 2010
Ron Murray and Barbara Tillett, both from the Library of Congress, are presenting their research in thinking about bibliographic information as networks of interrelated nodes at ALA Annual. This is a continuation of their "paper tool" work which was presented at the Library of Congress last year.
The title of …
Posted onand last updated June 25, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Mash-Up Request for Submissions
I'm working with some colleagues at the Library of Congress on the on the description of complex analog and digital resources. In that research, we want to get a better sense of what people who read DLTJ call a “mash-up.” We invite readers to provide examples (in any medium) of …
Posted onand last updated April 16, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Presentation Announcement: Re-Imagining the Bibliographic Universe -- FRBR, Physics and the World Wide Web
Add this event to your desktop calendar program.Next Monday (November 30, 2009) a colleague at the Library of Congress will be giving a presentation on modeling bibliographic information based on a "Paper Tool" technique adopted from physics. The title of the talk is "Re-Imagining the Bibliographic Universe: FRBR, Physics …Posted onand last updated November 23, 2009· 3 minutes reading time