DLTJ now Running on WordPress 2.3
Last night DLTJ was upgraded to WordPress 2.3. As far as I can tell, everything is working okay, but please let me know in the comments or the comment form if something doesn't seem right. There were two tricky parts to the upgrade. (Well, three really, if you count …
Posted onand last updated October 17, 2007· 2 minutes reading time -
Schemes to Add Functionality to the Web OPAC
Schemes to add functionality to the web OPAC fall into four categories: web OPAC enhancements, web OPAC wrappers, web OPAC replacements, and integrated library system replacements. I'm outlining these four techniques in a report I'm editing for an OhioLINK strategic task force and a bit of a reality check on …
Posted onand last updated October 15, 2007· 4 minutes reading time -
Automated Faceted Analysis In Google?
Has anyone else started seeing what looks to be faceted topical headings at the top of Google searches? This past weekend I was the groomsman at my brother's wedding and had the unfortunate timing to catch a case of conjunctivitis in both eyes the day before the ceremony. ("Does your …
Posted onand last updated July 11, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Who Said You Couldn't Catalog the Internet?
I seem to remember, in the early heady days of the internet, there was a cry from the library profession to "Catalog the Internet" -- to create descriptive records and controlled vocabularies for every resource out there deemed useful. The early Yahoo!, with a librarian on the staff, was going to …
Posted onand last updated June 06, 2006· 3 minutes reading time