Institution-wide ORCID Adoption Test in U.K. Shows Promise
Via Gary Price's announcement on InfoDocket comes word of a cost-benefit analysis for the wholesale adoption of ORCID identifiers by eight institutions in the U.K. The report, Institutional ORCID, Implementation and Cost Benefit Analysis Report [PDF], looks at the perspectives of stakeholders, a summary of findings from the pilot …
Posted onand last updated May 22, 2015· 1 minutes reading time -
WorldCat May Become Available as Library Linked Data under ODC-BY
On the second day of the OCLC Global Council meeting [agenda PDF] there was a presentation by Robin Murray (VP, OCLC Global Product Management) and Jim Michalko (VP, OCLC Research Library Partnership) called "Linked Open Data". The title of the presentation was an understatement because the real heart of the …
Posted onand last updated April 18, 2012· 4 minutes reading time -
W3C Incubator Group Report on Library Linked Data Published
This morning the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced the publication of the final report of the Library Linked Data Incubator Group. The abstract is reproduced below.
The mission of the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group, chartered from May 2010 through August 2011, has been "to help increase global …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Structured Data on the Web, Ebook Indexes, Amazon Disintermediates Publishers
DLTJ Thursday Threads for two weeks in a row! I'm getting back in the groove. This week has pointers to geeky things (learning about structured data on the web) and not quite so geeky things (thoughts about indexes in ebooks and Amazon's tactics for end-to-end control of book publishing). Well …
Posted onand last updated September 08, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Call for Public Comment -- W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group
The W3C Library Linked Data (LLD) Incubator Group invites librarians, publishers, linked data researchers, and other interested parties to review and comment on drafts of reports to be published later this year. The LLD group has been chartered from May 2010 through August 2011 to prepare a series of reports …
Posted onand last updated June 29, 2011· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Machine-Meaningful Web Content and Successful IPv6 Test
Two threads this week: the first is an announcement from the major search engine on a way they agree to discover machine-processable information in web pages. The search engines want this so they can do a better job understanding the information web pages, but it stomps on the linked data …
Posted onand last updated June 09, 2011· 8 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Open Publishing Alternatives, Open Bibliographic Data, Earn an MBA in Facebook, Unconference Planning
The highlights of the past week are around publishing -- first with a model proposed by Eric Hellman in which consumers can pool enough money to pay publishers to "set a book free" under a Creative Commons license, then with an announcement by the University of Pittsburgh offering free hosting of …
Posted onand last updated December 03, 2010· 7 minutes reading time -
MARC isn't Dead, but it is a Dead End
This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle with the title New Models of Metadata where she talked about library-specific efforts such asRDA and FRBR as well …
Posted onand last updated October 29, 2010· 2 minutes reading time