Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 3 - Clifford Lynch Keynote on Open Questions for Repositories, Description of DSpace 1.8 Release Plans, and Overview of DSpace Curation Services
The main Open Repositories conference concluded this morning with a keynote by Clifford Lynch and the separate user group meetings began. I tried to transcribe Cliff's great address as best I could from my notes; hopefully I'm not misrepresenting what he said in any significant ways. He has some thought-provoking …
Posted onand last updated June 11, 2011· 17 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 2 with DSpace plus Fedora and Lots of Lightning Talks
Today was the second day of the Open Repositories conference, and the big highlight of the day for me was the panel discussion on using Fedora as a storage and service layer for DSpace. This seems like such a natural fit, but with two pieces of complex software the devil …
Posted onand last updated June 10, 2011· 8 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 1 with Apache, Technology Trends, and Bolded Labels
Today was the first main conference day of the Open Repositories conference in Austin, Texas. There are 300 developers here from 20 countries and 30 states. I have lots of notes from the sessions, and I've tried to make sense of some of them below before I lose track of …
Posted onand last updated June 09, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: DSpace on Spring and DuraSpace
This week I am attending the Open Repositories conference in Austin, Texas, and yesterday was the second preconference day (and the first day I was in Austin). Coming in as I did I only had time to attend two preconference sessions: one on the integration -- or maybe "invasion" of the …
Posted onand last updated June 08, 2011· 2 minutes reading time