Position Announcement: OhioLINK Systems Developer
The Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is seeking a hard-working, analytical individual to participate in the creation and maintenance of our internationally recognized set of online library information services, with special focus on the Ohio Digital Resource Commons. OhioLINK serves the higher education population in the State of Ohio …
Posted onand last updated September 05, 2008 -
Two Personal Repository Services
This year has seen the release of two personal repository services: http://PublicationsList.org/ and the U.K. Depot. These two services have an admittedly different focus, but I think it is still interesting to compare and contrast them to see what we can learn.
The Depot
The Depot provides …
Posted onand last updated June 04, 2007· 4 minutes reading time -
Disseminators As the Core of an Object Repository
I've been working to get JBoss Seam tied into Fedora, and along the way thought it would be wise to stop and document a core concept of this integration: the centrality of Fedora Disseminators in the the design of the Ohio Digital Resource Commons. Although there is nothing specific to …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 12 minutes reading time -
Building an Institutional Repository Interface Using EJB3 and JBoss Seam
This tour is designed to show the overall architecture of a FEDORA digital object repository application within the JBoss Seam framework while at the same time pointing out individual design decisions and extension points that are specific to the Ohio Digital Resource Commons application. Geared towards software developers, a familiarity …
Posted onand last updated January 19, 2007· 14 minutes reading time -
Looking Forward to Version 2.2 of FEDORA
Sandy Payette, Co-Director of the Fedora Project and Researcher in the Cornell Information Science department, announced a tentative date for the release 2.2 of the FEDORA digital object repository.
The Fedora development team would like to announce that Fedora 2.2 will be released on Friday, January 19, 2007 …
Posted onand last updated January 01, 2007· 5 minutes reading time -
Why FEDORA? Answers to the FEDORA Users Interview Survey
The Fedora Outreach and Communications team is conducting a survey of the high-level sense of passion and commitment inherent in the Fedora community. I've posted some answers back to the FEDORA wiki on behalf of OhioLINK, and am also including the responses here as it fits into the "Why FEDORA …
Posted onand last updated September 15, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Best Practice Proposal for a DESCRIPTION Datastream
OhioLINK is deep in the process of migrating content from our old Bulldog/Documentum-based system to, well, something else, and we've been talking about the treatment of the metadata in the course of the migration. I think it is safe to say that the Bulldog asset management system (and Documentum …
Posted onand last updated September 06, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Analysis of CDL's XTF textIndexer to Replace the Local Files with FEDORA Objects
This is a continuation of the investigation about integrating the California Digital Library's XTF software into the FEDORA digital object repository that started earlier. This analysis looks at the textIndexer module in particular, starting with an overview of how textIndexer works now with filesystem-based objects and ending with an outline …
Posted onand last updated August 22, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
CDL's XTF as a Front End to Fedora
We're experimenting pretty heavily now with the California Digital Library's XTF framework as a front-end to a FEDORA object repository. Initial efforts look promising -- thanks go out to Brian Tingle and Kirk Hastings of CDL; Jeff Cousens, Steve DiDomenico, and Bill Parod from Northwestern; and Ross Wayland from UVa …
Posted onand last updated August 22, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Representing Collections In FEDORA
One of the DRC developers had a question recently that sparked a discussion about what to do with collections of objects. In order to answer the question of how to represent the notion of a collection within the repository, we're going to have to get pretty heavy into RDF: the …
Posted onand last updated July 25, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
Fedora Advanced Applications Panel at JCDL2006
I am excited almost beyond description to be sharing a panel with Sandy Payette (Cornell
University, USA), Andrew Treloar (Monash University, Australia), Matthias Razum (Fiz
Karlsruhe, Germany), and Carl Lagoze (Cornell University, USA) at the upcoming Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. The tutorial is on Sunday afternoon (Sunday, June 11 …Posted onand last updated June 06, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Fedora plus Sakai — a marriage made in heaven?
Note -- there was a follow-up to this post.What happens when you mix two Mellon-funded projects? Perhaps a nice bit of what they call synergy. The thinking goes something like this...
"The Sakai Project is a community source software development effort to design, build and deploy a new …
Posted onand last updated April 13, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Why Fedora? Because You Don't Need Fedora
I'm often asked "Why is OhioLINK using FEDORA?" (Just to eliminate any confusion at the start, I'm referring to the FEDORA Digital Object Repository, a project of Cornell's computer science department and the University of Virginia Libraries, and not the Linux operating system distribution by Redhat.) There are many reasons …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2021· 2 minutes reading time -
Resources for Describing Visual Materials
A recent thread on describing visual materials from the IMAGELIB mailing list sparked the descovery of these resources.
First was this bibliography of thesauri-related materials by Leonard Will of Willpower Information, an information management consultant in the U.K. It looks like a really good synopsis, and will be useful …
Posted onand last updated April 06, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Berkeley's "bSpace Images" project
Word of this Fedora-based image collection tool comes from the Sakai Library & Repositiories discussion group [Sakai Collab account required].
Project Name & Description (Short)
bSpace Images Version 1.0
The initial version of bSpace Images will focus on personal collections and provide "baseline" functionality found in existing tools like Course Gallery …Posted onand last updated April 05, 2006 -
To BPEL or not to BPEL, quite a good question
OhioLINK is actively looking at BPEL as an option for workflow orchestration for the DRC project. I was asked recently about that choice, especially in light of a preliminary report from another team looking to use Fedora in a manner similar to the DRC. The preliminary report has not been …
Posted onand last updated February 13, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Alternate (Open) Peer Review Model
At some point the DRC will need a generalized peer review system. Although I'm not sure we will use OAI-PMH to shepherd the results around various systems, there are som good ideas here about how to create an open peer review system.
The Convergence of Digital-Libraries and the Peer-Review Process …
Posted onand last updated February 04, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
On the Need for a General Purpose Digital Object Repository
Digital objects -- we've all got 'em. Billions and billions of them. And we put them in individual content silos, stratified along such unhelpful lines as media type, owning entity, and other equally meaningless categories. At least meaningless to the end user. So, let's ask ourselves: what is the job the …
Posted onand last updated January 21, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Germany is at it, too
This just in -- at least to my INBOX -- Germany is working on a unified repository as well. Called the eSciDoc project, it closely mirrors what the DRC is going to be:
The aim of the Max-Planck Society’s sInfo program is to significantly improve the effectiveness of its
scientists and …Posted onand last updated December 20, 2005· 3 minutes reading time -
Repositories Visualized
On 12/14/05 10:26 AM, Richard Green wrote on the sakai-library mailing list:
The RepoMman projectat the University of Hull, UK, is looking into the area
of workflow as related to an institutional repository. Hull sees a digital
repository as being a tool for its users, assisting …Posted onand last updated December 16, 2005· 3 minutes reading time