Local and Unique and Digital: A Evolving Trend for Libraries and Cultural Heritage Institutions
These are slides and audio from presentation given at the LOUIS Users Group meeting, on October 4, 2013, in Baton Rouge, LA. The description of the talk was:
Libraries have been digitizing materials for decades as surrogates for access to physical materials, and in doing so have broadened the range …
Posted onand last updated October 10, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Teaching Search, OCLC Research Library Partnership, Shelvar App
Another week, another set of threads of library and library-related topics. (Who ever said this profession was boring? Well, I once did, but that is a thread for another day.) Information literacy hit the mainstream this week with noted usability analyst Jakob Nielson noting that internet users need to learn …
Posted onand last updated April 14, 2011· 4 minutes reading time