Processing WOLFcon Conference Recordings with FFMPEG
WOLFcon—the World Open Library Foundation Conference—was held last month, and all of the meetings were recorded using Zoom. Almost all of the sessions were presentations and knowledge-sharing, so giving the recordings a wider audience on YouTube make sense. With nearly 50 sessions, though, manually processing the recordings would …
Posted on· 12 minutes reading time -
Results of JPEG2000 Activity in the Google Summer of Code 2007
Earlier this year I posted a summary of planned JPEG2000 activity in the Google Summer of Code. As you may recall, there were two project: one mentored by the Mozilla Foundation and another by FFmpeg. This post is a summary of the results of the efforts of the GSoC students …
Posted on· 2 minutes reading time -
JPEG2000 Activity in the Google Summer of Code
OhioLINK is not participating in the Google Summer of Code this year (too many other things going on for our staff to be effective mentors), which is why it is refreshing to see work on the wider adoption of JPEG2000 — one of our core goals — continue on other fronts. Among …
Posted on· 1 minutes reading time