Presentation Summary: "MPTStore: Implementing a fast, scalable, and stable RDBMS-backed triplestore for Fedora and the NSDL"
Chris Wilper gave this presentation on behalf of the work that he and Aaron Birkland did to improve the performance of the Fedora Resource Index.
Version 2.0 of the Fedora digital object repository software added a feature called the Resource Index (RI). Based on Resource …
Posted onand last updated January 29, 2007· 3 minutes reading time -
"Cautiously Optimistic"
During the cookies and lemonade break during JCDL this afternoon I surprised one of the well-respected elders of the field with this question: are we really making progress? are we winning a fight against entropy
Defined as: "Measure of disorganization or degradation in the universe that reduces available energy, or … Posted onand last updated June 13, 2006· 4 minutes reading time