Issue 92: Privacy Stories From 2014 Still Echo Today
Back again. Thanks for the comments on the return of the newsletter. I've heard that Microsoft Outlook isn't playing nice with my email theme. (It also isn't playing fair...someone forwarded the newsletter back to me, and when I replied that person said the view of the newsletter in the …
Posted onand last updated December 07, 2022· 8 minutes reading time -
Issue 79: Educational Technology Futures, Social Media Legislation, Apollo 11 Launch at 50
Welcome to the re-inaugural issue of DLTJ Thursday Threads. Counting backward, there were 78 previous issues (all by the most recent still need to be converted from the old WordPress style of formatting) with—all told—several hundred references and commentary. Here at the start of 2022, I'm making a …
Posted onand last updated January 06, 2022· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Twitter Timeline Changes, Report on Future Library Technology, USB Security
Two weeks in a row! This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads looks at how Twitter changed its timeline functionality to include things that it thinks you'll find interesting. Next, for the academic libraries in the audience, is a report from the New Media Consortium on trends and technologies that will libraries …
Posted onand last updated August 21, 2014· 7 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Developer Genders, Facebook Release Engineering, Alcohol Among Technologists
You'll get the sense that this week's Thursday Threads is stacked towards cultural awareness. First is the view of a developer of the female gender in a room of peers at a meeting of the Digital Public Library of America. The second thread is a pointer to a story about …
Posted onand last updated April 12, 2012· 13 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Cloud Computing and Data Centers -- Amazon, Facebook, and Google
This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads is about data centers -- those dark rooms with all of the blinking lights of computers doing our bidding. Data centers hit the mainstream news this week with the outage at one of Amazon's cloud computing clusters. And since computers and their associated peripherals consume a …
Posted onand last updated January 01, 2025· 4 minutes reading time