Institution-wide ORCID Adoption Test in U.K. Shows Promise
Via Gary Price's announcement on InfoDocket comes word of a cost-benefit analysis for the wholesale adoption of ORCID identifiers by eight institutions in the U.K. The report, Institutional ORCID, Implementation and Cost Benefit Analysis Report [PDF], looks at the perspectives of stakeholders, a summary of findings from the pilot …
Posted on· 1 minutes reading time -
Riding the Waves of Content and Change
Waves of change are crashing on the shores of the library profession. New media, new tools, new techniques, and new expectations collide to cause excitement, anxiety, confusion, and concern. It may be difficult to determine where we are and where we are going. At our present crossroads, it is useful …
Posted on· 5 minutes reading time -
A Note to ILS Vendors: Can't We All Just Get Along?
In the course of putting together the JISC/SCONUL Library Management Systems Study, the authors interviewed the four major vendors of integrated library systems in higher education in the U.K.: Ex Libris, Innovative Interfaces, SirsiDynix and Talis. Among the "who are you" and "what do you do" questions were …
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
A "Vision for Development" -- Excerpt from the JISC/SCONUL Study
As our profession re-examines itself and the services we provide to users, we seem to spend a great deal of time concerned about the way our "web front door" looks and operates. That is, we expect web users to come through the front page of our website and so we …
Posted on· 2 minutes reading time -
Two Personal Repository Services
This year has seen the release of two personal repository services: http://PublicationsList.org/ and the U.K. Depot. These two services have an admittedly different focus, but I think it is still interesting to compare and contrast them to see what we can learn.
The Depot
The Depot provides …
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
Planning a digital preservation assessment using TRAC:CC and DRAMBORA
OhioLINK is engaged in building a "trusted digital repository" on behalf of its membership. As we build it, we want to have an understanding of what "trusted" means, and so we are engaging in an audit process to assess whether we can claim to be trustworthy. This process is panning …
Posted on· 6 minutes reading time