Disseminators As the Core of an Object Repository
I've been working to get JBoss Seam tied into Fedora, and along the way thought it would be wise to stop and document a core concept of this integration: the centrality of Fedora Disseminators in the the design of the Ohio Digital Resource Commons. Although there is nothing specific to …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 12 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories Presentation: Building an IR Interface Using EJB3 and JBoss Seam
Below is the outline of the Ohio DRC presentation from today's FEDORA session at Open Repositories conference. Comments welcome!
- Executive Overview of the Ohio Digital Resource Commons
Posted onand last updated January 24, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
Building an Institutional Repository Interface Using EJB3 and JBoss Seam
This tour is designed to show the overall architecture of a FEDORA digital object repository application within the JBoss Seam framework while at the same time pointing out individual design decisions and extension points that are specific to the Ohio Digital Resource Commons application. Geared towards software developers, a familiarity …
Posted onand last updated January 19, 2007· 14 minutes reading time -
Picking a Java Web Application Framework
We're beginning a new phase of our digital library development at OhioLINK and an oversimplification of one of the consequences of this new phase is that we will be developing more software from scratch rather than adapting stuff that we find out there on the net. (Another consequence of this …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2006· 9 minutes reading time