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Reflections on four-months-after-Twitter

Posted on 2 minute read

It’s coming up on four months this week since I left Twitter, and I started wondering about the impact of that. On the whole, I’m still quite fine with the ...

Issue 100: Internet Governance

Posted on 8 minute read

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is just over a year old, and shortly after the war started there were calls to cut Russia off from the internet as a punitive ac...

Controlled Digital Lending…What’s the Fuss?

Posted on 13 minute read

On March 16, 2023, I gave a presentation with this title to the code4lib conference in Princeton, New Jersey. The suggested links from the end of the presen...

Issue 97: Again with the AI Chatbots

Posted on 5 minute read

The hot technology in the news now is chatbots driven by artificial intelligence. (This specific field of artificial intelligence is “large language models”...

LibNFT: a second look…still ‘nope’

Posted on 5 minute read

The day after I posted LibNFT: a Project in Search of a Purpose, the project proponents held their CNI project briefing. The recording of that briefing is n...

Issue 96: Metadata

Posted on 5 minute read

Metadata is at the core of what libraries do. (“metadata” is one of the most common tags on this here library technology blog.) We gather information about ...

Issue 94: Controlled Digital Lending

Posted on 6 minute read

E-books are a prominent theme looking back at a couple of year-end issues of DLTJ Thursday Threads. In 2010, a writer in Boston Review wondered about “books...