Revision Proposed to ORE Atom Serialization
Last Friday, Herbert Van de Sompel posted a message to various mailing lists about a proposed revision to the serialization of OAI-ORE into Atom. The proposal by Michael Nelson, Robert Sanderson, and Herbert has two key components:
- To express an ORE Aggregation at the level of an Atom Entry …
Posted onand last updated August 07, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
Registration Open for BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio (August 11, 2008)
Registration is open for the BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio meeting on Monday, August 11th from 10am to 5:30pm at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, OH. Other details are on the event homepage.What is a BarCamp? ((Description adapted from the BarCamp Wikipedia entry.))
First and foremost: This …
Posted onand last updated August 01, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
Final Version of the Higher Education Reauthorization Act Leaves Textbook Provisions Intact
Earlier this week U.S. Senate passed its own version of the "College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007" (H.R.4137 to amend and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes) by unanimous consent (hence no recorded vote) and appointed members of a conference committee …
Posted onand last updated July 31, 2008· 6 minutes reading time -
Video Tour of OPAC Discovery Layer Tools
In March, I gave a presentation at the NISO forum on Next Generation Discovery Tools: New Tools, Aging Standards. For those that were there, you may remember the bulk of the presentation was in the screencast tours of the functionality of 10 OPAC enhancement tools. Topping out at over 750MB …
Posted onand last updated July 25, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
BarCampOhio and LibraryCampOhio, August 11, 2008
Announcing the BarCampOhio/LibraryCampOhio meeting on Monday, August 11th from 10am to 5:30pm at the OCLC Conference Center in Dublin, OH. Two camp communities! One day! All of the details, include stuff not covered below, are on the event homepage.
What's planned is a dual-track unconference …Posted onand last updated July 17, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
HOWTO Deal With Spam as a Mailman List Owner
Dealing with SPAM e-mail is a real hassle. Dealing with SPAM e-mail as a mailing list owner is an even bigger hassle. Here are some tips for dealing with SPAM e-mail on mailing lists using the Mailman software package.
The Symptoms
Unless you are making your users as well as …
Posted onand last updated July 17, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
On the Internet, How Do You Know If You Are Talking to a Dog?
Published in The New Yorker July 5, 1993.
Image from The Cartoon BankThe famous 1993 cartoon from The New Yorker has the caption “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” The question at the moment is: when you're on the internet, how do you know you are …
Posted onand last updated July 16, 2008· 8 minutes reading time -
Colorado Community College System Announces Flat-price Electronic Textbooks from Pearson Education
Colorado Community College System (CCCS) signed an agreement with Pearson Education for flat-rate access to Pearson textbook content online. News of this comes by way of a link left by Lorcan Dempsey in a comment to an earlier DLTJ entry that pointed to a blog entry by Michael Cairns talking …
Posted onand last updated July 11, 2008· 7 minutes reading time -
The Complex World of the Textbook
Who knew the college textbook marketplace could be so complex? The agents in this ecosystem and their interests are so intertwined that as a whole it poses a massive amount of inertia for those who attempt to change the marketplace. I've been involved for about a year with an effort …
Posted onand last updated July 08, 2008· 16 minutes reading time -
Archiving in Practice with JPEG2000: ALA Annual Conference, June 29, 8am-10am
The JPEG2000 in Archives and Libraries Interest Group of the LITA division of ALA is pleased to present a program on Archiving in Practice with JPEG2000 on Sunday, June 29th from 8am to 10am in Ballroom E, Anaheim Convention Center.
The lead presentation will be given by …
Posted onand last updated June 24, 2008 -
A Catalog for the "Next Generation" or the Current Generation?
Are we building the "next generation" catalog for us (librarians) or our users? As a read a report from the Next Generation Summit Search Interface Working Group of the Orbis/Cascade Alliance, I have to wonder. Portions of this report are dated ((Although the report itself does not contain a …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
ALA Annual Goes Social
The American Library Association annual conference is getting more social each year, and as a long-time member of ALA and often a critic of the, well, un-togetherness of ALA's electronic capabilities, it is nice to see the trend continuing this year. Take, for instance, the Blogger's Room. Initially just a …
Posted onand last updated June 20, 2008· 2 minutes reading time -
Riding the Waves of Content and Change
Waves of change are crashing on the shores of the library profession. New media, new tools, new techniques, and new expectations collide to cause excitement, anxiety, confusion, and concern. It may be difficult to determine where we are and where we are going. At our present crossroads, it is useful …
Posted onand last updated June 20, 2008· 5 minutes reading time -
A Note to ILS Vendors: Can't We All Just Get Along?
In the course of putting together the JISC/SCONUL Library Management Systems Study, the authors interviewed the four major vendors of integrated library systems in higher education in the U.K.: Ex Libris, Innovative Interfaces, SirsiDynix and Talis. Among the "who are you" and "what do you do" questions were …
Posted onand last updated June 16, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
A "Vision for Development" -- Excerpt from the JISC/SCONUL Study
As our profession re-examines itself and the services we provide to users, we seem to spend a great deal of time concerned about the way our "web front door" looks and operates. That is, we expect web users to come through the front page of our website and so we …
Posted onand last updated June 13, 2008· 2 minutes reading time -
Collocating Serial Formats Via "Linking ISSN"
Earlier this week I received an e-mail from the director of the ISSN International Center announcing a session at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim to talk about the "linking ISSN". Abbreviated ISSN-L, this is a new addition to the revised ISSN standard (ISO 3297, published last August) that allows …
Posted onand last updated June 06, 2008· 7 minutes reading time -
Selling Placement in Library Search Results
This morning's Chronicle of Higher Education Wired Campus blog has a story with the title "Should Colleges Sell Ads to Pay for New Technology?" that links to a blog posting by Martin Weller of the Open University in the U.K. As it happens, a colleague and I were talking …
Posted onand last updated June 04, 2008· 4 minutes reading time -
"Object Reuse and Exchange" Beta Specifications Now Available
Carl Lagoze of Cornell University and Herbert Van de Sompel of Los Alamos National Laboratory announced the release of the beta form of the ORE specifications yesterday. Here is the full text of their announcement:
Over the past eighteen months the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), in a project called Object …
Posted onand last updated June 03, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
Fixing a Mac OSX Leopard Login Loop Caused by Launch Services
After the release of the latest update to the Macintosh operating system (10.5.3), some users were reporting a "login loop" to MacFixIt.com. I followed the always helpful advice on MacFixIt for updating the operating system, and after the first reboot everything came back fine on my PowerBook …
Posted onand last updated June 03, 2008· 3 minutes reading time -
"We are scanning them to be read by an AI."
May 30, 2008Towards the end of the last chapter of his book, Nicholas Carr relates an anecdote about the visit of a guest speaker to the Google …
Posted onand last updated May 30, 2008· 2 minutes reading time