Revision Proposed to ORE Atom Serialization

Last Friday, Herbert Van de Sompel posted a message to various mailing lists about a proposed revision to the serialization of OAI-ORE into Atom. The proposal by Michael Nelson, Robert Sanderson, and Herbert has two key components:

  • To express an ORE Aggregation at the level of an Atom Entry, rather than (as in the current draft) at the level of an Atom Feed
  • To convey ORE-specific relationships types using add-ons/extensions, rather than by making ORE-specific interpretations of pre-existing Atom relationship types

Here is the text of Herbert's message:

Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:16:24 -0600
From: Herbert Van de Sompel
Subject: Proposal to revise ORE Atom serialization

As a result of feedback that was provided over the past few weeks, both via the ORE Google list, in private communications, and via the blogosphere, we have made a bold move to compile a Discussion Document that outlines a proposal for a significantly different ORE Atom serialization.

The Discussion Document is at <>.

We understand this proposal comes very late in the ORE process that is expected to deliver 1.0 specification by the end of September 2008. Your feedback to this proposal is absolutely crucial. Please use the ORE Google Group ( to share your insights.

Thanks! Greetings.

Herbert Van de Sompel

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