Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 3 - Clifford Lynch Keynote on Open Questions for Repositories, Description of DSpace 1.8 Release Plans, and Overview of DSpace Curation Services
The main Open Repositories conference concluded this morning with a keynote by Clifford Lynch and the separate user group meetings began. I tried to transcribe Cliff's great address as best I could from my notes; hopefully I'm not misrepresenting what he said in any significant ways. He has some thought-provoking …
Posted onand last updated June 11, 2011· 17 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 2 with DSpace plus Fedora and Lots of Lightning Talks
Today was the second day of the Open Repositories conference, and the big highlight of the day for me was the panel discussion on using Fedora as a storage and service layer for DSpace. This seems like such a natural fit, but with two pieces of complex software the devil …
Posted onand last updated June 10, 2011· 8 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 1 with Apache, Technology Trends, and Bolded Labels
Today was the first main conference day of the Open Repositories conference in Austin, Texas. There are 300 developers here from 20 countries and 30 states. I have lots of notes from the sessions, and I've tried to make sense of some of them below before I lose track of …
Posted onand last updated June 09, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: DSpace on Spring and DuraSpace
This week I am attending the Open Repositories conference in Austin, Texas, and yesterday was the second preconference day (and the first day I was in Austin). Coming in as I did I only had time to attend two preconference sessions: one on the integration -- or maybe "invasion" of the …
Posted onand last updated June 08, 2011· 2 minutes reading time -
Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks -- First round, April 4th 2011
One of the highlights of the Code4Lib annual meeting is the “lightning talk” rounds. A lightning talk is a fast-paced 5 minute talk on a topic of the presenter’s choosing. They are usually scheduled on an ad-hoc, first-come-first-served basis on the day of the event. They are an opportunity …
Posted onand last updated March 28, 2011· 1 minutes reading time -
OCLC Introduces "A Web Presence for Small Libraries"
On Sunday evening, the OCLC Innovation Lab held a public demonstration of a project with the working title, A Web Presence for Small Libraries It is a templated website that could serve as a library's barest bones presence on the web. The target audience is small and/or rural libraries …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 8 minutes reading time -
Options in Storage for Digital Preservation
A last-minute change to my plans for ALA Midwinter came on Tuesday when I was sought out to fill in for a speaker than canceled at the ALCTS Digital Preservation Interest Group meeting. Options for outsourcing storage and services for preserving digital content has been a recent interest, so I …
Posted onand last updated January 09, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
My ALA Midwinter 2011 Schedule
The end-of-year holidays are behind us and (in the northern parts of the northern hemisphere) the cold days of winter in front of us. What better time to bag it all and head to the warm(er) temperatures of San Diego, California for the ALA Midwinter meeting. I mean -- come'on …
Posted onand last updated January 04, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
"What Is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?"
At the American Library Association conference this weekend, I'll be part of a panel presentation from the LITA Emerging Technologies Interest Group with the title "What Is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?" The presentation will be on Saturday, June 26 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm in room 103B …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Mashups of Bibliographic Data: A Report of the ALCTS Midwinter Forum
This year the ALCTS Forum at ALA Midwinter brought together three perspectives on massaging bibliographic data of various sorts in ways that use MARC, but where MARC is not the end goal. What do you get when you swirl MARC, ONIX, and various other formats of metadata in a big …
Posted onand last updated January 27, 2010· 16 minutes reading time -
Interesting Bits from the OCLC Update Breakfast
I think it is a statistical anomaly that many of the meetings I attended during ALA Midwinter were somehow related to OCLC. That statistical anomaly has certainly played out in postings here on DLTJ of my impressions of Midwinter meetings. Continuing with this thread of OCLC events, I attended the …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Midwinter Meeting Schedule (Plus News of a Free Midwinter Airport Shuttle)
The year is coming to a close, so that must mean that the midwinter meeting of the American Library Association is right around the corner. Yep, there it is -- just two and a half weeks away in Boston. A conference in Boston in January -- the rates have got to be …
Posted onand last updated December 28, 2009· 6 minutes reading time -
Ohio Educational Technology Conference Program Posted
For those interested and involved with distance and technology enhanced learning or have attended one of the past ODCE/LLT higher education conferences, you'll want to know about the Ohio Educational Technology Conference in early February.
Add this event to your desktop calendar program.The Ohio ETC is the combination …
Posted onand last updated December 02, 2009· 22 minutes reading time -
Presentation Announcement: Re-Imagining the Bibliographic Universe -- FRBR, Physics and the World Wide Web
Add this event to your desktop calendar program.Next Monday (November 30, 2009) a colleague at the Library of Congress will be giving a presentation on modeling bibliographic information based on a "Paper Tool" technique adopted from physics. The title of the talk is "Re-Imagining the Bibliographic Universe: FRBR, Physics …Posted onand last updated November 23, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
Proposals Now Being Accepted for the Ohio Educational Technology Conference, February 2010
The theme of the 2010 Ohio Educational Technology Conference, P-20 Conversations: Shaping a Path for the 21st Century Student, addresses the need to provide seamless technology integration throughout students' careers. Reflecting this year's theme, the sponsors of last year's Learning, Libraries and Technology conference — Ohio Learning Network (OLN), OhioLINK and …
Posted onand last updated September 01, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
Two ways to learn about the OLE Project at ALA
Add this event to your desktop calendar program.There will be two programs at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago where aspects of the Open Library Environment Project will be discussed. The participants in the design phase of the project encourage you to attend one or both of them to …
Posted onand last updated June 25, 2009· 1 minutes reading time -
Audio Added to the New Directions for Discovering Information Presentation
Despite the problems I'm having with the slidecast function of SlideShare, I've gotten the results "good enough" to post. You can see and listen to the presentation on the SlideShare site or do the same in the embedded version below.
[caption id="attachment_781" align="aligncenter" width="606" caption="Slides from …
Posted onand last updated March 31, 2009 -
New Directions for Discovering Information
I had the pleasure of presenting at the 2009 meeting of the Ohio Higher Education Computing Council (OHECC) on OhioLINK's plans for a new discovery layer. Included below is a web version of the presentation slides and links to more information.
I also attempted to record the audio from the …Posted onand last updated March 26, 2009 -
Unconference Experiment at ALA Annual 2009
The latest edition of American Libraries Direct published today has a story about an unconference that precedes the ALA Annual conference in Chicago this July:
Are you interested in attending a conference program where you have a hand in determining the topics discussed? Have you always wondered what really goes …
Posted onand last updated February 12, 2009 -
ALCTS Forum on Creating and Sustaining Communities Around Shared Library Data
Community-shared metadata has certainly been a hot topic of late. It is timely, then that ALCTS is sponsoring a panel discussion about sharing library-created data inside and outside the library community at the upcoming ALA Midwinter meeting in Denver. From the panel description:
Panelists will share a variety of perspectives …
Posted onand last updated January 16, 2009· 2 minutes reading time