Unconference Experiment at ALA Annual 2009

ALA Annual 2000 LogoThe latest edition of American Libraries Direct published today has a story about an unconference that precedes the ALA Annual conference in Chicago this July:

Are you interested in attending a conference program where you have a hand in determining the topics discussed? Have you always wondered what really goes on at an unconference? As part of ALA President Jim Rettig’s “Creating Connections” initiatives, 75 conference attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a free unconference July 10 at the 2009 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago....

Attendance is limited to 75 people, and there is an online registration wiki page to signal that you are coming. (You'll need to register for the ALA Annual 2009 Wiki before editing the page.)

This is an interesting experiment -- kudos to ALA for trying it out.