Emerging Tech: Bluetooth Beacons and the DPLA
This is the text of a talk that I gave at the NN/LM Greater Midwest Region tech talk on January 29, 2016. It has been lightly edited and annotated with links to articles and other information. The topic was "Emerging Technology" and Trisha Adamus, Research Data Librarian at UW-Madison …
Posted onand last updated January 29, 2016· 11 minutes reading time -
The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Library Discovery (text as intended for presentation)
[caption id="attachment_KkOCeAtKHIc" align="alignright" width="210" caption="Me and my Jester's Cap"]
Closing out #nisoforum w Peter Murray as disruptive tech jester! pic.twitter.com/TvRb8UEY0T
— Lettie Conrad (@lyconrad) October 6, 2015
Last week I was at the NISO Forum: The Future of Library Resource Discovery with a …Posted onand last updated October 12, 2015· 10 minutes reading time -
Registration Now Open for a Fall Forum on the Future of Library Discovery
Helping patrons find the information they need is an important part of the library profession, and in the past decade the profession has seen the rise of dedicated "discovery systems" to address that need. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is active at the intersection of libraries, content suppliers, and …
Posted onand last updated August 26, 2015· 3 minutes reading time -
Announcing "The Future of Library Resource Discovery" -- a NISO Two-day Forum in October in Baltimore
[caption id="attachment_26113" align="alignright" width="232"]
Cover page from the NISO white paper "The Future of Library Resource Discovery"[/caption]
In early October, NISO will be hosting a two-day forum on the future of resource discovery in libraries. This is an in-person meeting to extend the work of Marshall …Posted onand last updated July 13, 2015· 1 minutes reading time -
Top Tech Trends, ALA Annual 2015 edition: Local and Unique; New metrics and citation tools
I threw my hat into the ring to be on the LITA Top Tech Trends panel at the ALA annual conference later this month in San Francisco, and never could I say that I was more excited not to be selected. (You can find more info on this year's Top …
Posted onand last updated June 12, 2015· 3 minutes reading time -
Advancing Patron Privacy on Vendor Systems with a Shared Understanding
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting a short talk at the second virtual meeting of the NISO effort to reach a Consensus Framework to Support Patron Privacy in Digital Library and Information Systems. The slides from the presentation are below and on SlideShare, followed by a cleaned-up transcript …
Posted onand last updated May 26, 2015· 8 minutes reading time -
2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences -- Accepted Papers and Travel Support
The conference organizers for WSSSPE2 have posted the list of accepted papers and the application for travel support. I was on the program committee for this year's conference, and I can point to some papers that I think are particularly useful to libraries and the cultural heritage community in general …
Posted onand last updated September 04, 2014 -
Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2)
This is related to the Supporting Cultural Heritage Open Source Software (SCHOSS) Symposium last month. More on that topic in June. I am serving on the program committee for the WSSSPE2 conference.
Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels and it …
Posted onand last updated June 01, 2014· 3 minutes reading time -
Collector of Code4Lib Conference Tweets Now Turned On
As I did last year, I've set up Martin Hawksey's Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) to cover this year's Code4Lib conference twitter hashtag. This is a really neat tool that comes with its own dashboard, links to various visualizations, and access to the complete archive so you can make up …
Posted onand last updated March 18, 2014 -
Join the Community: Open Source is Nothing Without You
During the American Library Association meeting in Chicago in 2013 I gave an "ignite" talk on open source software in libraries. (The "ignite talk" format, if you're not familiar, is one in which "each speaker is allocated five minutes of presentation time and is accompanied by 20 presentation slides. During …
Posted onand last updated January 04, 2014· 1 minutes reading time -
Archive and Visualization of LITA Forum Tweets
Using Google Spreadsheets, the Twitter API, and the TAGS document template from Martin Hawksey, I've set up an archive of tweets with the hashtag #LITAForum.
Martin has also created a couple of visualizations of tweets based on the archive:
The archive is updated automatically every 5 …
Posted onand last updated November 09, 2013 -
Local and Unique and Digital: A Evolving Trend for Libraries and Cultural Heritage Institutions
These are slides and audio from presentation given at the LOUIS Users Group meeting, on October 4, 2013, in Baton Rouge, LA. The description of the talk was:
Libraries have been digitizing materials for decades as surrogates for access to physical materials, and in doing so have broadened the range …
Posted onand last updated October 10, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
Interoperability and Its Role In Standardization, Plus A ResourceSync Overview: Slidecast from ALA2013
At the American Library Association meeting in Chicago last month I gave a 20 minute presentation that was a combination of an overview of interoperability and standards plus a brief overview of the ResourceSync activity for the NISO Update session. Included below are my slides with a synchronized audio track …
Posted onand last updated July 20, 2013 -
Host Your Own Virtual Lightning Talks Using Google Hangout -- Slides and Links from ALA2013 Presentation
In the "very meta" category, this morning I gave a lightning talk about lightning talks to a crowd of about 150 at the LITA Lightning Talks session. More specifically, it was a brief presentation on how Code4Lib uses Google Hangouts-on-Air for its Virtual Lightning Talks. The slides and links from …
Posted onand last updated March 03, 2020 -
Notes on the Code4Lib Virtual Lightning Talks
Last week I emcee'd the second Code4Lib Virtual Lightning talk session and I wanted to record some notes and pointers here in case me (or anyone else) wants to do the same thing again. First, though, here is a list of those that presented with links to the talks archived …
Posted onand last updated March 03, 2020· 2 minutes reading time -
Trip Report of DPLA Audience & Participation Workstream
On December 6, 2012, the Audience and Participation workstream met at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. About two dozen colleagues participated in person and remotely via Google+ Hangout to talk about processes and strategies for getting content into the DPLA (the content …
Posted onand last updated December 07, 2012· 9 minutes reading time -
Trip Report of DPLA Chattanooga Appfest: Project Shows Signs of Life
Below is my report of the DPLA AppFest last month. This post is the raw input of an article on the IMLS blog that was co-written with Mary Barnett, Social Media Coordinator at the Chattanooga Public Library. I also attended yesterday's DPLA Audience and Participation workstream meeting at George Mason …Posted onand last updated December 07, 2012· 4 minutes reading time -
ALA Virtual Conference Includes Talk on Open Source in Libraries
ALA has its "Virtual Conference" coming up on July 18th and 19th. It is two days of at-your-desktop talks on some of the most interesting topics in libraries today. I'm presenting a derivative of the Introducing FOSS4Lib webinar and in-person. The version I'm doing for the ALA Virtual Conference has …
Posted onand last updated July 06, 2012 -
My ALA Anaheim 2012 Schedule
It is that time of year again where representatives from the library profession all gather for the annual Annual Library Association meeting. This year it is in Anaheim, California on June 21–26. And as the pace of technology continues to push libraries into new areas of content and service …
Posted onand last updated June 12, 2012· 9 minutes reading time -
My ALA Midwinter 2012 Schedule
The snow is falling here in central Ohio, so I'm eager to leave here and head to warm Dallas for ALA Midwinter 2012. I'm looking forward to catching up with colleagues; making new acquaintances; learning the latest thinking on RDA, linked data, and standards activity; and talking about free/open …
Posted onand last updated January 19, 2012· 1 minutes reading time