Announcing "The Future of Library Resource Discovery" -- a NISO Two-day Forum in October in Baltimore

[caption id="attachment_26113" align="alignright" width="232"]Cover page from the NISO white paper Cover page from the NISO white paper "The Future of Library Resource Discovery"[/caption]
In early October, NISO will be hosting a two-day forum on the future of resource discovery in libraries. This is an in-person meeting to extend the work of Marshall Breeding's paper on the same topic that was published earlier this year:

  • Full paper, PDF, 53 pages
  • Summary from Information Standards Quarterly, Spring 2015, 27(1): pp. 24-30.

Marshall will start the forum with a presentation on the topics presented in the paper. Participants will then break up into smaller groups to go into more depth on the ideas and the implications with reporting back to the larger group. I will finish up the forum on the second day with a keynote that wraps together the ideas expressed during the meeting and a vision of where resource discovery in libraries is heading.

If you can, attend the face-to-face meeting with all the rich interaction of the breakout sessions. If you can make it to Baltimore on October 5th and 6th, sign up to watch and interact through a live webcast. Details on registration are on the NISO web page for the forum.