My ALA Midwinter 2012 Schedule

The snow is falling here in central Ohio, so I'm eager to leave here and head to warm Dallas for ALA Midwinter 2012. I'm looking forward to catching up with colleagues; making new acquaintances; learning the latest thinking on RDA, linked data, and standards activity; and talking about free/open source software in libraries. On the latter point, I encourage you to come see me give an introduction to the newly announced FOSS4LIB site, answer questions, and take feedback on Saturday morning (10:30 to 11:30) or Sunday morning (10:30 to 11:30). (Or, if you are not coming to Midwinter, sign up for one of the free webinar sessions later in January and February.)

ALA is using a new iteration of its scheduler this year, and it keeps getting better and better. This one even allows you to embed your selected schedule as an

You can follow me on Twitter where I'll be tweeting about #alamw12. A Twitter mention or direct message is also the best way to get ahold of me while in Dallas.

Safe travels if you are headed to Midwinter, and I hope to run into you there.