"What Is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?"

At the American Library Association conference this weekend, I'll be part of a panel presentation from the LITA Emerging Technologies Interest Group with the title "What Is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?" The presentation will be on Saturday, June 26 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm in room 103B of the Washington Convention Center. The publicity blurb:

A new job title of “Emerging Technology Librarian” seems to reflect an awareness among today’s libraries that there is a need for a librarians whose main role is to explore, evaluate, promote, and implement various emerging technologies. 19 librarians in different fields of librarianship at academic, school, and public libraries will discuss the topic of emerging technologies at libraries, their evaluation, implementation, adoption, and management challenges.

My panel group met by conference call this afternoon to discuss the topic, and I came away feeling great about the synergy of this group. The panel style is the panelists responding to a question from the moderator and reactions from each other with time for questions from the audience. No canned presentations!

Thanks to Bohyun Kim from Florida International University for setting up the panel discussion.