L/IS Profession

The ILS without patron data: open questions

Posted on 5 minute read

In my prior two posts, I outlined a strategy to minimize personally identifiable information in library automation systems (idea overview, impact on FOLIO). ...

Trip Report: NISO Plus Forum 2022

Posted on 5 minute read

Earlier this week, NISO held its one-day NISO Plus Forum for 2022. This was an in-person meeting that is intended to feed into the onl...

More Thoughts on Pre-recording Conference Talks

Posted on 7 minute read

Over the weekend, I posted an article here about pre-recording conference talks and sent a tweet about the idea on Monday. I hoped to generate discussion abo...

Should All Conference Talks be Pre-recorded?

Posted on 6 minute read

The Code4Lib conference was last week. That meeting used all pre-recorded talks, and we saw the benefits of pre-recording for attendees, presenters, and con...

Engaging with Open Source Technologies

Posted on 2 minute read

These are the presentation notes for the Engaging with Open Source Technologies presentation during the Open Source Publishing Technologies: Current Status a...

Mystery in the Library

Posted on 1 minute read

A colleague e-mailed me the other day expressing appreciation for the DLTJ blog in part, and also describing a mystery that she is running in her library: [c...

Model Language on Library Data Ownership

Posted on 4 minute read

In September, Carl Grant wrote a blog post on the ownership of library data ("We have a problem... another vendor appearing to need education about exactly W...

A Walk Through the Vancouver Public Library

Posted on 5 minute read

I'm in Vancouver, British Columbia, for the Access 2011 meeting which starts tomorrow. Coming across from the eastern timezone I had to come a day early, so...

The Challenges and Rewards of Open Source

Posted on 2 minute read

Below is the text of an article I wrote for the LYRASIS member newsletter in which I talk about how a community of users of open source software is as import...

Defining Metadata and Making Metadata Accessible

Posted on 3 minute read

In preparation for the last webinar of the three-part series "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future", I'm reading again Karen Coyle's "Library Data in a...

MARC isn’t Dead, but it is a Dead End

Posted on 2 minute read

This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle w...

A History of the OCLC Tax-Exemption Status

Posted on 19 minute read

One of the baffling elements I've found in discussions of the history of OCLC is that of its tax exempt status under Ohio law. The latest example of this co...

Views on Sharing (or, What Do We Want From OCLC?)

Posted on 5 minute read

Within the span of a recent week we've had two views of the OCLC cooperative. In one we have a proposition that OCLC has gone astray from its core roots and...

OhioLINK Seeks Executive Director

Posted on less than 1 minute read

OhioLINK, my employer, is seeking nominations and applications for the position of Executive Director. The search is being conducted with the assistance of ...

UDL: Universal Design…for Libraries?

Posted on 2 minute read

This week I was at the Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability annual conference conference at the Ohio State University and was reminded ...

More on What Does It Mean to Be a Member of OCLC

Posted on 3 minute read

Jay Jordan's remarks during the OCLC Update Breakfast and the discussion at the Developers Network table at that breakfast generated further fuel for my prev...

What Does It Mean to Be a Member of OCLC?

Posted on 2 minute read

This morning I was at the OCLC Americas Regional Council Meeting just prior to the opening of the ALA Midwinter 2010 meeting. In addition to the prepared ta...

Getting the Word Out: LISWire and LISEvents

Posted on 1 minute read

Blake Carver (of LISNews and LISHost fame) announced two new projects yesterday: LISWire and LISEvents. In the same spirit that I would categorize open sou...