Mash-Up Request for Submissions

I'm working with some colleagues at the Library of Congress on the on the description of complex analog and digital resources. In that research, we want to get a better sense of what people who read DLTJ call a “mash-up.” We invite readers to provide examples (in any medium) of what they think are mash-ups of different resources in the comment area of this post. If you nominate a web-accessible mash-up, please provide a link for it. If you nominate an analog mash-up (they do exist!), please provide a reasonable citation. If it is a hybrid – do your best! Also helpful would be a short statement as to why you think the example is a mash-up, and whether you like the results.

The research involves how we describe the parts of a whole guided by concepts provided by FRBR. These sorts of mashups are typically made up of independently created parts, and acknowledging those parts are in single-record frames of reference. We're exploring the use of interconnected networks of descriptions, and mashups are one of the exemplars.


We're looking for mixtures of audio, still images, moving images, and other media.

"Avatar, Daybreakers, Prince of Persia, Book of Eli, Wolfman, Legion, Sherlock Holmes Trailer Mashup" from YouTube.

FooBar Poster, by Eboy Arts Inc.

"FooBar" poster (also commonly called the Web2.0 Poster).