Issue 96: Metadata
Metadata is at the core of what libraries do. ("metadata" is one of the most common tags on this here library technology blog.) We gather information about the resources available to patrons, then massage it and slice it and sort it and display it in ways that help patrons find …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2023· 5 minutes reading time -
Issue 95: Updating ChatGPT, Cryptomining, and Website-for-Small-Libraries Threads
This week we revisit threads from a month ago, a year ago, and 12 years ago.
Posted onand last updated January 25, 2023· 9 minutes reading time -
Issue 91: Bibliographic Records and Mastodon Migration
Well, this newsletter was off the air longer than I anticipated. A lot has happened since issue 90 in late March: cryptocurrency value falling, Twitter spiraling (maybe a death-spiral...can't be too sure), and (in the U.S.) a whopper of a mid-term election season. All is well here in …
Posted onand last updated November 30, 2022· 5 minutes reading time -
OCLC v. Clarivate: What was MetaDoor? What is an OCLC Record?
On November 7, 2022, OCLC and Clarivate announced a settlement in their lawsuit about using WorldCat records in the embryonic MetaDoor service. This ended the latest chapter in the saga of reuse of library metadata with little new clarity. The settlement terms were not disclosed, but we can learn a …
Posted onand last updated November 13, 2022· 17 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Patron Privacy on Library Sites, Communicating with Developers, Kuali Continued
In the DLTJ Thursday Threads this week: an analysis of how external services included on library web pages can impact patron privacy, pointers to a series of helpful posts from OCLC on communication between software users and software developers, and lastly an update on the continuing discussion of the Kuali …
Posted onand last updated September 18, 2014· 5 minutes reading time -
Local and Unique and Digital: A Evolving Trend for Libraries and Cultural Heritage Institutions
These are slides and audio from presentation given at the LOUIS Users Group meeting, on October 4, 2013, in Baton Rouge, LA. The description of the talk was:
Libraries have been digitizing materials for decades as surrogates for access to physical materials, and in doing so have broadened the range …
Posted onand last updated October 10, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
WorldCat May Become Available as Library Linked Data under ODC-BY
On the second day of the OCLC Global Council meeting [agenda PDF] there was a presentation by Robin Murray (VP, OCLC Global Product Management) and Jim Michalko (VP, OCLC Research Library Partnership) called "Linked Open Data". The title of the presentation was an understatement because the real heart of the …
Posted onand last updated April 18, 2012· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Research Works Act, Amazon Kindle Give and Take, OCLC's Website for Small Libraries
I've been away from DLTJ Thursday Threads for a while, but that doesn't mean the fun hasn't stopped. This week there are stories about the beginning and the end of the Research Works Act (again, one might add), Amazon's continuing shifts in the ebook marketplace, and an announcement of beta …
Posted onand last updated March 01, 2012· 6 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: SOPA Suspended, Lending Chromebooks, OCLC Introduces WorldShare
This is the just-in-time-for-the-holidays edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads. The U.S. House Judiciary Committee suspended work on SOPA, and there was much relief from the technology community. The Palo Alto Public Library announced plans to lend Chromebooks (laptops with Google's cloud-based operating system) to patrons. And OCLC announced a …
Posted onand last updated December 22, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Open Repositories 2011 Report: Day 2 with DSpace plus Fedora and Lots of Lightning Talks
Today was the second day of the Open Repositories conference, and the big highlight of the day for me was the panel discussion on using Fedora as a storage and service layer for DSpace. This seems like such a natural fit, but with two pieces of complex software the devil …
Posted onand last updated June 10, 2011· 8 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Websites for Small Libraries, Open Source in Govt, Measuring Reliability
It has been the longest of weeks and the shortest of weeks. Longest because of a working weekend with the ALA Midwinter conference in San Diego. Shortest because the activities leading up to, during, and after the conference didn't leave much time for reading items to prepare a DLTJ Thursday …
Posted onand last updated January 13, 2011· 4 minutes reading time -
OCLC Introduces "A Web Presence for Small Libraries"
On Sunday evening, the OCLC Innovation Lab held a public demonstration of a project with the working title, A Web Presence for Small Libraries It is a templated website that could serve as a library's barest bones presence on the web. The target audience is small and/or rural libraries …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 8 minutes reading time -
Options in Storage for Digital Preservation
A last-minute change to my plans for ALA Midwinter came on Tuesday when I was sought out to fill in for a speaker than canceled at the ALCTS Digital Preservation Interest Group meeting. Options for outsourcing storage and services for preserving digital content has been a recent interest, so I …
Posted onand last updated January 09, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
A History of the OCLC Tax-Exemption Status
One of the baffling elements I've found in discussions of the history of OCLC is that of its tax exempt status under Ohio law. The latest example of this comes from documents filed in the SkyRiver/Innovative-vs.-OCLC case that make disparaging remarks about how OCLC got its state tax-advantaged …
Posted onand last updated October 06, 2010· 20 minutes reading time -
Views on Sharing (or, What Do We Want From OCLC?)
Within the span of a recent week we've had two views of the OCLC cooperative. In one we have a proposition that OCLC has gone astray from its core roots and in the other a celebration of what OCLC can do. One proposes a new mode of cooperation while the …
Posted onand last updated September 29, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Early September Summary of the SkyRiver/Innovative vs. OCLC Case
On September 9th, OCLC filed its first substantial response with the court to the antitrust lawsuit file by SkyRiver and Innovative Interfaces. And in a motion where OCLC requests a change of venue from the Northern District of California to the Southern District of Ohio — something seemingly mundane — they certainly …
Posted onand last updated September 18, 2010· 6 minutes reading time -
Mashups of Bibliographic Data: A Report of the ALCTS Midwinter Forum
This year the ALCTS Forum at ALA Midwinter brought together three perspectives on massaging bibliographic data of various sorts in ways that use MARC, but where MARC is not the end goal. What do you get when you swirl MARC, ONIX, and various other formats of metadata in a big …
Posted onand last updated January 27, 2010· 16 minutes reading time -
More on What Does It Mean to Be a Member of OCLC
Jay Jordan's remarks during the OCLC Update Breakfast and the discussion at the Developers Network table at that breakfast generated further fuel for my previous philosophical thoughts on "Who is a member of the OCLC Cooperative?" In the context of things like Developer Network API keys (("API" is an acronym …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2010· 3 minutes reading time -
Interesting Bits from the OCLC Update Breakfast
I think it is a statistical anomaly that many of the meetings I attended during ALA Midwinter were somehow related to OCLC. That statistical anomaly has certainly played out in postings here on DLTJ of my impressions of Midwinter meetings. Continuing with this thread of OCLC events, I attended the …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Notes from the OCLC Record Use Policy Council discussion
On Saturday morning of ALA Midwinter 2010, Dr. Jennifer Younger moderated a session on the progress of the OCLC Record Use Policy Council. The meeting started with an introduction to the reasons behind the creation of the Record Use Council, the charge of the Council from the board of trustees …
Posted onand last updated January 18, 2010· 8 minutes reading time