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ODCE 2008 Call-For-Proposals

Posted on 2 minute read

Where can faculty, administrators, librarians and technology gurus all meet to discuss learning, libraries, technology and the convergence of these activitie...

HTML Template of a TRAC:CC Report

Posted on less than 1 minute read

Just in case this might be useful to others, I've created a report template based on the "Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria Checkl...

Analysis of Google Scholar and Google Books

Posted on 4 minute read

Two papers were published recently exploring the quality of Google Scholar and Google Books. Google Scholar Philipp Mayr and Anne-Kathrin Walter, both of GE...

Survey on Library Automation Trends

Posted on less than 1 minute read

Marshall Breeding, editor of Library Technology Guides homepage, is conducting a survey on the trends in library automation. He describes the survey in a we...

Aligning Clashing Values

Posted on 2 minute read

This started out as a comment to a posting by Chris Coppola, president and co-founder of rSmart Group. The comment got longer and threaded with yesterday's ...

What Is BioMed Central?

Posted on 5 minute read

My posting on Friday about the clashing values of academic institutions and businesses prompted a comment from Bill Hooker about linking to his blog posting ...

Gentoo Abandons WordPress in Portage

Posted on 1 minute read

I don't think this has been widely announced, but while waiting for an update to Gentoo's portage entry for WordPress to cover the latest security and bug fi...

NPR’s Headquarters

Posted on 3 minute read

NPR's Headquarters, looking east Side view of the triangular building, looking from Mt. Vernon Square. The DC Convention Center is just to the north of ...