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Further Consideration of OCLC Records Use Policy

Posted on 5 minute read

At ALA Midwinter, ALCTS sponsored a panel discussion about sharing library-created data inside and outside the library community, with a particular focus on ...

Consideration of OCLC Records Use Policy

Posted on 7 minute read

At ALA Midwinter, ALCTS sponsored a panel discussion about sharing library-created data inside and outside the library community, with a particular focus on ...

Consolidating Travel Details with TripIt

Posted on 1 minute read

I'm sitting in the Denver airport (and quite pleased to have remembered my note to myself about tunneling through ad-laden interception proxy) with lots to t...

Dr. Michael Wesch to Give Keynote at LLT 2009

Posted on 1 minute read

Dr. Michael Wesch, a cultural anthropologist dubbed “the explainer” by Wired magazine, will give the keynote address “Mediated Culture: Tal...

Central Ohio E-Waste Drop-off Locations

Posted on 1 minute read

As part of our winter holiday activities, our family has been busily clearing out the basement to set up a play area for the kids. In doing so, we created a...

PHP Script for hCalendar to iCalendar Conversion

Posted on 4 minute read

I try to do the “right thing” in postings on DLTJ. In the context of this discussion “right” is an attempt to be progressive: including hCalendar microformat...