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Anatomy of the Zotero Library to RSS Feed Pipe

Posted on 5 minute read

Note! A new feature on the Zotero website does away with the need to use this Yahoo! Pipe. RSS feeds are now generated by the Zotero website itself. Read ...

Zotero Library to RSS Feed

Posted on 2 minute read

Note! A new feature on the Zotero website does away with the need to use this Yahoo! Pipe. RSS feeds are now generated by the Zotero website itself. Read ...

Unconference Experiment at ALA Annual 2009

Posted on less than 1 minute read

The latest edition of American Libraries Direct published today has a story about an unconference that precedes the ALA Annual conference in Chicago this Jul...

OCLC Review Board’s Blog

Posted on 2 minute read

There is a new page in the Record Use Policy area on the OCLC website with an invitation from Jennifer Younger, chair of the Review Board, inviting members o...

Members of the OCLC Review Board Announced

Posted on 1 minute read

OCLC announced late yesterday the members of the review board. In addition, they announced the establishment of an e-mail address for communicating with the...

Administrative Note – Feeds Moved on FeedBurner

Posted on less than 1 minute read

DLTJ uses the FeedBurner service to enhance its syndication feeds and gather statistics on readers. Several years ago, Google acquired FeedBurner and recent...