Digital versus Digitized: On the Hachette v. Internet Archive Appeal Oral Argument
One thing that would dramatically clarify the controlled digital lending concept in general and the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit in particular is hav...
One thing that would dramatically clarify the controlled digital lending concept in general and the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit in particular is hav...
On March 16, 2023, I gave a presentation with this title to the code4lib conference in Princeton, New Jersey. The suggested links from the end of the presen...
Cecil Mae Feather, 1929–2023 This issue is offered in honor of Cecil Mae Thornburg Feather, my mother-in-law. Cecil Mae w...
We are one week into Russia’s war against Ukraine. From here in America, it is hard to understand the reality of a country whose citizens seemed to be going...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> Just a brief pair of threads this wee...
Last month's HathiTrust newsletter had an interesting technical tidbit at the top about access to out-of-print and brittle or missing items: One of the lawfu...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> Thursday Threads has been a back-burn...
The title of this post was updated (replacing "Display" with "Performance") a day after it was originally published. See the update at the bottom of the pos...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> Legal action against the digitization and limit...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> It might have been the week of the an...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> This week we got the long-awaited rep...
It is another e-books issue of DLTJ Thursday Threads with updates on three significant efforts: HarperCollins, Google Book Search Settlement, Digital Public...
[caption id="attachment_2743" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Wordle of the Opinion Rejecting the Google Book Search Settlement Agreement"][/caption]...
[caption id="attachment_2673" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Hickory, with true-to-life parting attitude (left) and Mittens"][/caption] This week's T...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads: by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads has just two pointers. First, a new ...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> The turn of the year brings commentar...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads: by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner When I say " is a question answering system. A question can be posed...
Receive DLTJ Thursday Threads:</p> by E-mail by RSS Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> This week's Thursday Threads highligh...
UPDATE - 22 November 2010: The saga of Illadore (Monica Gaudio) and Cooks Source Magazine (Judith Griggs) draws to an end, with the closing of Cooks Source M...
Late, late in the day last Friday, the principle parties in the Google Book Search case submitted a revised settlement agreement agreement to the court. Thi...
An interesting thing happened at my place of work (OhioLINK) today. We recently added links to our central catalog pointing to manifestations in Google Book...
A few weeks ago, a reporter at the Chronicle of Higher Education interviewed Adam Smith, Google's director of product management, about the Google Book Searc...
A controversy is starting to pick up in the business librarian community -- primarily in the U.K. it would seem -- regarding the licensing demands of Harvard...
The American Library Association (through the Association's Washington Office and the Association of College and Research Libraries Division) and the Associa...
New York Judge Denny Chin recently issued two rulings in the Google Book Search settlement. In the first, he ' the request by the Internet Archive to interv...
I'm reading the notes from the Atlanta OLE Project regional workshop and right up at the top are these two statements that struck me as insightful. The firs...
The blog post title is a serious question -- it is one that I need some help figuring out: What Does the Google Book Settlement Mean for the Online Book Mar...
The Alliance for Taxpayer Access called out the introduction of proposed legislation that would prohibit the federal government from requiring publication of...
There is a new page in the Record Use Policy area on the OCLC website with an invitation from Jennifer Younger, chair of the Review Board, inviting members o...
OCLC announced late yesterday the members of the review board. In addition, they announced the establishment of an e-mail address for communicating with the...
Nearly a week after it was posted, I came across a posting by Karen Calhoun of OCLC summarizing her impressions of the ALCTS Forum at Midwinter. I thought I...
Last week, The Guardian newspaper in the U.K. published a story on the proposed OCLC record use policy and the controversy surrounding the proposal. As the f...
At ALA Midwinter, ALCTS sponsored a panel discussion about sharing library-created data inside and outside the library community, with a particular focus on ...
At ALA Midwinter, ALCTS sponsored a panel discussion about sharing library-created data inside and outside the library community, with a particular focus on ...
The Associate Press reported on Monday evening that the court has given preliminary approval to the settlement negotiated between Google and book authors and...
One of the very relevant aspects of the Google Book Search Settlement Agreement to libraries is the provision that allows for free public access to the full ...
Update On the Code4Lib IRC channel Thursday afternoon, Roy Tennant, Senior Program Officer at OCLC Programs and Research, said that there is absolutely no co...
Beyond the public pronouncements of the Google Books Settlement ((See the bottom of this earlier post on DLTJ for a complete list)) are the documents that fo...
Announced today was a settlement between Google and the plaintiffs -- the Authors Guild, the Association of American Publishers and individual authors and pu...
Spotted in the Chronicle of Higher Education Online this morning is mention of two lectures by Wendy Seltzer that will happen today on the topic of copyright...
Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University demonstrates principles of fair use to give an overview of U.S. copyright principles in A Fair(y) Use Tale -- a 1...
Here is something to keep an eye on. Via the Chronicle of Higher Education, Wendy Seltzer, a visiting assistant professor at Brooklyn Law School and Fellow ...