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Modifications to FreePress Recent Comments Plugin

Posted on 1 minute read

For others that may find it useful, I've made two modifications to the FreePress Recent Coments plugin on DLTJ: one to strip out quoted material when using ...

CDL’s XTF as a Front End to Fedora

Posted on 3 minute read

We're experimenting pretty heavily now with the California Digital Library's XTF framework as a front-end to a FEDORA object repository. Initial efforts loo...

DLTJ under a New Theme

Posted on 8 minute read

Okay -- let's try this again. The first time around didn't go so well, so I went back to the basics and started with a new theme: what is running on DLTJ n...

Can Google be Out-Googled?

Posted on 7 minute read

I have been heard to remark to other librarians on occasion a comment along the lines of "Don't fear Google; Don't Chase Google; Let's Out-Google Google!" ...

Representing Collections In FEDORA

Posted on 4 minute read

One of the DRC developers had a question recently that sparked a discussion about what to do with collections of objects. In order to answer the question of...

Access Management and Provisioning Technology

Posted on 2 minute read

Building on the shoulders of others -- isn't that how that quote goes? There has been a stack of printouts on my desk for a while now for various access man...