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The Jester Joins Twitter

Posted on 2 minute read

It was only a few months ago that I was teasing Dan Chudnov for joining Twitter. Now I've gone and done it myself. I don't expect to be using it much, but ...

Passion Quilt Meme: Take Time to Wonder

Posted on less than 1 minute read

I found this meme via Karen Schneider's entry. Although I wasn't explicitly tagged, I thought it was interesting enough to add an entry to the meme's Flikr...

Passing on ResearcherID

Posted on 17 minute read

This morning I got an invitation to join ResearcherID, a new author profile service from Thomson Scientific. The service sounds nice enough -- who doesn't w...

Schedule for ALA Annual 2008

Posted on 1 minute read

Here is my planned schedule for ALA Annual in Anaheim. Reality, of course, may be different. If anyone is interested in talking about electronic textbooks,...

Discussions of Textbooks Hit the Mainstream Media

Posted on 3 minute read

There has been an increasing focus on the cost of textbooks in the mainstream media this year, and I don't think it is the case that I'm just becoming more s...

Thumbgrabber: a metadata augmentation tool

Posted on 1 minute read

In reading a background paper for the American Social History Online portal, I was reacquainted with a paper by Muriel Foulonneau, Thomas Habing and Tim Cole...

Getting the Word Out: LISWire and LISEvents

Posted on 1 minute read

Blake Carver (of LISNews and LISHost fame) announced two new projects yesterday: LISWire and LISEvents. In the same spirit that I would categorize open sou...