Latest Views on JPEG2000 for Presentation and Archiving
Earlier this month, the JPEG 2000 Implementation Working Group, the Wellcome Trust Library, and the U.K. Digital Preservation Coalition hosted a free one-day seminar called JPEG2000 for the Practitioner. The presentation slides are now linked to the seminar program and is a short report of the event by Christy …
Posted onand last updated November 29, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Google Scholar Coverage, Effective Meetings, Librarians as Obstacles, Cable TV
No, I am not composing this edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads on the Thanksgiving holiday. This was written the day before and scheduled for posting on Thursday. With a significant run of weekly Thursday Threads postings, it seemed a shame to break the trend because of a holiday. So if …
Posted onand last updated November 25, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Gobs of Video, Memento Submitted, Everybody's Digital, and Cell Phone as Credit Card
Another slow Thursday Threads week due to higher priority work duties taking precedent over scanning for trends. This week has a look at the explosion of video content uploaded to YouTube (which dovetails nicely with the Thursday Threads report two weeks ago about the record amount of internet traffic attributed …
Posted onand last updated November 18, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Defining Metadata and Making Metadata Accessible
In preparation for the last webinar of the three-part series "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future", I'm reading again Karen Coyle's "Library Data in a Modern Context" -- the first chapter of Understanding the Semantic Web: Bibliographic Data and Metadata. Right at the start she has a clear and …
Posted onand last updated November 17, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Refining Data, Ebook Costs, Open Bibliographic Data, Copyright Infringement
It has been a long week, so for many of you this edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads will actually be read on Friday. The spirit was willing, the topics were certainly out there in the past seven days, but the necessary distractions were numerous. Please enjoy this edition whenever you …
Posted onand last updated November 12, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: RDA Revolt, Google Book Search Algorithm, Google Helps Improve Web Servers, Google's Internet Traffic Hugeness
This week is a mostly Google edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads. Below is a high-level overview of Google's Book Search algorithm, how Google is helping web servers improve the speed at which content loads, and how Google's internet traffic is growing as a percentage of all internet traffic. But first …
Posted onand last updated November 04, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
MARC isn't Dead, but it is a Dead End
This week I sat in on the first of the three "Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future" webinars being hosted by ALA. This one was hosted by Karen Coyle with the title New Models of Metadata where she talked about library-specific efforts such asRDA and FRBR as well …
Posted onand last updated October 29, 2010· 2 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Unprotected Social Media Sites, Value of Free, and Real Life Net Neutrality
This week's Thursday Threads looks at a big hole in the security model of most internet sites that require you to log into them with a username and password plus a pair of stories about "big media" battles.
Feel free to send this newsletter to others you think might be …
Posted onand last updated October 28, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Slight Tweak to WordPress Broken Link Checker Plugin
In a futile effort to fight link rot on DLTJ, I installed the Broken Link Checkerplugin by "White Shadow". I like the way it scans the entire content of this blog -- posts, pages, comments, etc. -- looking for pages linked from here that don't respond with an HTTP 200 "Ok …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 2 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: RDF, Digital Document Tampering, and Amazon's Mechanical Turk
This is definitely becoming a habit...welcome to the fourth edition of DLTJ's Thursday Threads. Feel free to send this newsletter to others you think might be interested in the topics. If you are not already subscribed to DLTJ's Thursday Threads, visit the sign-up page. If you would like …
Posted onand last updated October 21, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
The PERL Way to Add OmniFocus Inbox Entries from Twitter
Over the weekend I got the bright idea of asking OmniGroup to ask an iPhone voice recognition application (like Dragon Dictation) to add a link to the OmniFocus iPhone application. That way I could simply dictate new inbox items on the iPhone rather than laboriously typing them with the on-screen …
Posted onand last updated October 20, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Protect Your Keyboards, Mice and Cables from Theft with a Flat Washer
You are using lockdown security cables to protect your PCs, but your accessories -- keyboards, mice, and other cables -- are still vulnerable to theft. You can use one of these specially built products to lock down the cables, or you can use a 20¢ flat washer from the hardware store to …
Posted onand last updated October 18, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Disruption in Library Acquisitions, Publishing, and Remedial Education plus Checking Assumptions of Cloud Computing and a National Digital Library
If it is Thursday it must mean it is time for another in this series of Thursday Threads posts. This week there are an abundance of things that could fall into the category of "disruptive innovation" in libraries and higher education. If you find these interesting, you might want to …
Posted onand last updated October 14, 2010· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads Bonus: Statistics (Election Polls) and Statistics (World Stats)
This is the second week of this Thursday Threads experiment and already we have a bonus edition. Two other items crossed my browser today that were just too good to pass up: how statistical techniques are improving the aggregation of political polling and a visual representation of lifespan versus income …
Posted onand last updated October 08, 2010· 3 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Technical Debt, QR Codes in National Parks, WebP Image Format, and SSL Cautions
Week #2 of this new project to highlight interesting tidbits from the previous seven days. Well, things that were interesting to me that I hope will be interesting to DLTJ readers. Time will tell.
Technical Debt: A Perspective for Managers
What is Technical Debt? It’s all “those internal things …
Posted onand last updated October 07, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
A History of the OCLC Tax-Exemption Status
One of the baffling elements I've found in discussions of the history of OCLC is that of its tax exempt status under Ohio law. The latest example of this comes from documents filed in the SkyRiver/Innovative-vs.-OCLC case that make disparaging remarks about how OCLC got its state tax-advantaged …
Posted onand last updated October 06, 2010· 20 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Print-on-Demand, Video Changing the World, Puzzling Out Public Domain, and more
I'm starting something new on DLTJ: Thursday Threads -- summaries and pointers of stories, services, and other stuff that I found interesting in the previous seven days. This is culled from entries that I post to my FriendFeed lifestream through various channels (Google Reader shared items, citations shared in Zotero, Twitter …
Posted onand last updated October 01, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Views on Sharing (or, What Do We Want From OCLC?)
Within the span of a recent week we've had two views of the OCLC cooperative. In one we have a proposition that OCLC has gone astray from its core roots and in the other a celebration of what OCLC can do. One proposes a new mode of cooperation while the …
Posted onand last updated September 29, 2010· 5 minutes reading time -
Now Working for LYRASIS
News of my joining Lyrasis has been officially reported ("Timothy Daniels and Peter Murray to Lead LYRASIS Technology Services" [PDF]) so I can talk about it here now. On September 10th I left OhioLINK to join LYRASIS on September 13th as the assistant director for the newly emerging LYRASIS Technology …
Posted onand last updated September 29, 2010· 1 minutes reading time -
Early September Summary of the SkyRiver/Innovative vs. OCLC Case
On September 9th, OCLC filed its first substantial response with the court to the antitrust lawsuit file by SkyRiver and Innovative Interfaces. And in a motion where OCLC requests a change of venue from the Northern District of California to the Southern District of Ohio — something seemingly mundane — they certainly …
Posted onand last updated September 18, 2010· 6 minutes reading time