Attempting to Run Comments without reCAPTCHA

I'm trying an experiment over the next couple days/weeks. I'm turning off the reCAPTCHA requirement for blog commenters (the figure-out-these-words-and-type-them-in anti-spam scheme I turned on three and a half years ago). The only automated scheme in place now is Akismet. This change was made Friday night, and over the weekend a few spam comments got through to "approved" status while 550 were in the "spam" queue. With reCAPTCHA in place, I would typically only get 10 or so comments that would make it through reCAPTCHA only to get caught by Akismet (and none through to approved comments). I could easily go through 10 or so comments a day looking for ones that would accidentally get trapped (maybe one a month), but I'm not going through 200 or more a day. So, if you comment on DLTJ and don't see it immediately posted, please do let me know and I'll fetch it out of the spam queue.