What Do DLTJ and BlogHer Have In Common? Only Google Knows

Web Pages Related to DLTJ.ORG
With idle curiosity, I was poking around with what Google knows about DLTJ. Perhaps the most interesting piece was the company Google thinks I keep (found via a related:dltj.org search). Now most of the links are quite appropriate (the Library and Information Technology Association and ALA TechSource for instance) and some I'm quite pleased to be associated with (Richard Akerman's Science Library Pad blog and Walt Crawford's Walt at Random blog).

The one that has me most confused, however, is the link to BlogHer ("Where the women bloggers are"). Now, I'm not saying that the link is entirely inappropriate — the library profession is one dominated by females — or that I'm not pleased to be associated with female bloggers...

It's just that I'm wondering what Goggle knows about me — or at least about DLTJ — that I don't know about... ;-)

The text was modified to update a link from http://www.techsource.ala.org/ to http://www.alatechsource.org/ on January 19th, 2011.