Following Up on Adobe Photoshop and JPEG2000

The discussion has died down on Jack Nack's blog posting about the future of JPEG2000 support in Photoshop. Since I last updated my own commentary on the issue, there have been a few more comments, including one by Erich Kesse from the University of Florida. Jack has added a few follow-ups to comments left on his blog, including this one at the bottom of Erich's comment:

[Thanks for the detailed feedback. I would note that regardless of what Adobe does with JPEG 2000, other developers can create JPEG 2000 reading/writing plug-ins for the app. --J.]

A good point, but I think we'd all like to see Adobe remain committed to JPEG2000, and improve support for the image format across their entire product line. There haven't been any other public statements on Adobe's part that I have seen. If you run across one, let us know about it in the comments.

Update (20070515T1703): has done exactly that with a free plugin download for Photoshop that uses the Kakadu engine.