2007 Web Design Survey

2007 Web Design Survey logoFriend and former colleague Eric Meyer writes about the 2007 Web Design Survey (first annual) on his blog. It is an effort to "increase knowledge of web design and boost respect for the profession" and asks questions to learn "Who are we? Where do we live? What are our titles, our skills, our educational backgrounds? Where and with whom do we work? What do we earn? What do we value?"

I hesitate to put myself in the "we" category of web designers, but I do try to keep up on best practices by reading Eric's blog and following A List Apart. I've never had a good enough business justification to attend An Event Apart event, but the possibility of winning a free registration for filling out this survey is compelling!

If you work in web design, and I get the sense that many readers of DLTJ dabble in it about as much as I do, please take a few minutes to fill out the survey.